Chapter 17

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"Pia , you are one of the best people I've met in my life time, you are part of my world and you mean the world to me , you are a big part of my life which makes me who I am, You are a Unforgettable part of my life" said Harsh

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"Pia , you are one of the best people I've met in my life time, you are part of my world and you mean the world to me , you are a big part of my life which makes me who I am, You are a Unforgettable part of my life" said Harsh

"What are you trying to say , Stop beating around the bushes and come straight into the point" said Piara . Harsh was completely clueless of how to present the matter without making it go south, the matter had to be dealt with care and Harsh didn't know what to do

"Pia you have been with me through thick and thin , You will always be the woman behind my success , You are the person who took me on the right path and didn't let me get on the wrong path , you have always been there to correct me when I am wrong" said Harsh , He knew he was complete beating around the bush but he wanted to butter her up.

"Harsh , Its not my birthday to compliment me over and over and annoy me with you big-big compliments, Tell me what is it Harsh" said Piara

"I just want you to know that you are special , You are one of the most special person in my life , There is no one in world who can replace you in this world , You are one of the kindest souls I met in my life and I don't think there is another like you" said Harsh and took a deep breath and wishing he doesn't screw this up

"What do you mean by replace , What do you mean by everything you said now , Im very much confused"  said Piara with a questioning look

"You need some one perfect who treats you like the special person you are , a person who makes you feel very special , Who appreciates and accept you for who you are and not the mask , A person who can tap into the inner you and understand you evry single point of your life , who feels you and talks heart to heart" said Harsh

"Where is this conversation going to" asked Piara raising one of her eyebrows with a questioning look

"Anywhere you want to take it, you are precious to me and I don't want you to not attain the happiness you deserve in your life, you deserve all the happiness in the world and that's the truth" said Harsh

"Ok- I am confused so do one thing, you stop beating around the bush , twisting sentences and come straight to the putting or I'll do something as simple as going to my room and get some Beauty sleep" said Piara

"I'm going to tell it straight now , I don't know how you will take it but I'm going to go for it, I kind had heard what you were speaking Shumi and thinking about it-" said Harsh

"Thinking what?" Asked Harsh
"You deserve more better than being trapped in this marriage with me, it acts like a cage trapping you and I don't want you to be caged by me" said Harsh
"Caged? Harsh you are losing it , everything is fine" said Piara

"It isn't, I feel that this marriage is stopping you from finding yourself, your true self, your true love , your Better half and you should understand that you can't live like this without true happiness, the feeling given by a person who loves you limitlessly like a soul mate, who makes you feel special and you deserve it and- " said Harsh

"And what Harsh? What is the issue? I've been hearing this all day and I can't understand why? What's wrong with my life now? What do you want me to do" asked Piara

"I want you to be happy , I can't see solace after the words got stuck in my mind , you always did things for me selflessly without giving a care about yourself and now I want to do the same for you , I want you to be happy , the thought of your unhappiness is haunting me and it isn't right, you deserve to be showered with all the happiness in the world and now I found a solution" said Harsh

"Tell me the great Harshveer Daksesh, what is your great plan" said Piara sarcastically and Harsh gave a "I'm serious" look

"I think it's best if we separate from this marriage, I want you to be happy with your soulmate and this will set you free and let yourself be with anyone you want to be with" said Harsh

"Harsh I-i am doing good and I am happy , I still can't get what happiness you are talking about, I'm doing pretty fine and I'm surely doing so much better than a lot of people" said Piara

"Pia atleast think about it" said Harsh and Piara nodded

Piara walked towards her room , she blew out the candle tried to get some sleep . Sleep was way out of her League at this moment. She turned from one side to another in inconvenience. She was very much exhausted at that moment.

Harsh's, Shumi's and Lakshya's words were ringing in her head which did a pretty good job to steal her sleep and make her enough restless. She got up and sat for a while alone with her thoughts. The silence were intensitying her thoughts without any effort.

She lit up the nearby candle and lit up all the lights in her room. She looked at her reflection and tried to find answers for get thoughts. The thoughts were making her Miserable. It was creating questions in her life which she never questioned.

She got up from the room and walked back to the balcony. The wind and moonlight kissed her , she saw Harsh smiling at her . He was waiting her to come back, he knew that she would come back for sure and she didn't let him be wrong.

"You haven't slept yet" asked Piara

"I don't think i will get a peaceful sleep until you answer me" said Harsh

"I don't think i will get a peaceful sleep until you answer me" said Harsh

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Thanks a lot for leaving me in disappointment *note the sarcasm. You guys didn't complete the votes. I felt really sad but I updated since it's already the time I should have finished 2 updates. Imma stop caring about votes *imma try.

Author rn: She's hungry af , sorry for the late update , nowadays life is busy and crazy. I barely have time to sleep properly or look my phone

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