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"Okay, hyung. Here's some more succulents I bought for you today. I know how much you loved to have them as your collections. They do look like plump roses... What was it? I think its scientific name was Graptoveria as 'Lovely Rose'. Oh! And I also got some more moonstones! Even when Jungkook bought you most of your succulents but I just wanted to buy them for you."

Namjoon slowly pulled on some rubber gardening gloves before planting his newly bought succulents in front of the gravestone with the rest of the other succulent plants. He smiled when he saw some Echeveria plants that were now sprouting some new pups in a short amount of time.

"Damn, hyung. Look at these new pups! Kept yourself pretty busy huh?" Namjoon chuckled as kept pressing the soil further for the plants. "I've been pretty busy too. Meeting Jimin was life-changing ya know. Well... I for one started working out. Could you actually believe that? Me! Working out? Now I got these muscles on me. Hah!" The boy rolled up his sleeves and flexed his arms in front of his best friend's grave.

After the failed rescue party of 5 years ago, none of them were able to find Min Yoongi's body along with Hoseok's. Namjoon fainted and when he woke up, the first thing he did was to find his friend. Jimin woke up from his surgery and instead of taking the time to rest, he went to Namjoon's side and aided him.

Seokjin found his brother, Taehyung, 2 weeks later and brought him back to his family's manor; he told Jimin that his father will be the one to judge his own son for everything that has happened.

For Jungkook, as soon as he was patched up, he turned himself into a representative of Jimin for his company such as conference meetings, facing all clients and investors, and managing the empire that his Jimin-hyung basically built. And he kept his promise that he would lookout for the gang members that Yoongi had left behind as well as the families that have either lost their father or brother. The remaining gang members became part of the Golden Dragon Family and the rest are now making an honest living under the care of park Jimin and him.

Namjoon, Jimin, and Jungkook went to search for Yoongi for around 3 years and kept going to different locations and asked if there was a man that has been washed up to shore. None of them saw him. There were some that lied just to get the prize money. Namjoon prevented Jungkook from killing them from the consumed rage he had and made him walk away instead. After those painful years, Jimin proposed to give Yoongi a gravestone. Namjoon, of course, refused so he ran away and hid for a year before coming back with a tray full of succulents crying.

"It's so beautiful here, hyung." Namjoon spoke as he laid down on the grass beside his hyung. "I'm sorry it took us 5 years to get you here. I didn't want to accept...that... I didn't want to accept that you were gone ya know. I just couldn't grasp the fact that you were gone. I even got angry at Jimin for bringing that up. And like a selfish kid, I thought no one knew the pain I was dealing with... but actually... everyone was... suffering too. Jungkook as well. I didn't know what happened to the two of you, but he couldn't even want to hear your name or talk about you at all. He's a mess hyung. He doesn't even want to drink anymore and OH!!! When we found Taehyung? Daaaaaamn. He almost killed him. LITERALLY!"

"So this is where you've been hiding." A face popped up in his view which caused him to smile.

"I wasn't hiding." Namjoon laughed and sat up and brought his knees closer to his chest and hugged his legs.

Jimin shook his head and smiled as he caressed the marbled stone. He then sat down beside Namjoon and reached out to rest his arms over his shoulders. He brought his lover closer and kissed his forehead lovingly before lifting him up and placing him on his lap effortlessly.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now