Chapter 12

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"So when does my shift start?"

"Well Min Yoongi.... It starts now...."

"Now? Uhmm..." I wondered quizzically. He wants me to go to his place now? I inhaled deeply and exhaled a little clasping my hands behind my back and rocked my heels back and forth not wanting to seem impatient to meet Namjoon. "Where's the address?" I wasn't able to see his reaction since I had my eyes glued on the floor.

"Come here..." He calmly said making me sigh and walk to the side till I was standing either right infront or right beside him. I hummed quietly and admired how well polished his leather shoes were... typical rich kid who owns everything. I've been oriented by the news that Jeon Jungkook is known to be one of the child prodigies of South Korea along with the other two kids, and owner of Park Enterprises and.... I'm not so sure with the other one... Was it Lee or Kim?

I gasped when Jungkook pulled my out of my thoughts.... Literally pulled me as in made me sit on his lap kind of being pulled. I strike his shoulder and groaned. "hey! I'm still older than you!" I yelled and tried my best to get off him only for him to grab my hips harshly putting me in place. "What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I said as I placed my hands on his chest to push myself away from him.. although he really has nicely toned chest letting me feel how fit he is

'Min Yoongi! Stop it' I thought to myself.

I shrieked when he pushed me down on his desk making me gasp sharply at how strong he was. "hey.... W-what are you doing?"

"Inspecting..." He nonchalantly said as he began to caress my sides while I was fully clothed. My heart was beating wildly as I gripped on his arms trying to squirm away but when I did he pulled my body closer to his making my ass slam against his lower half. I swallowed thickly and covered my eyes with an arm. "You fucking rapist..."

"No I'm not... You agreed to this... It was even written in the contract.." He said as a matter of fact making me look at him with wide eyes. I turned my head to the side and frantically searched for the paper. I grabbed it and quickly scanned through the papers making my lips tremble as it was written in bold letters.


"Ahhhh~~~~" I threw my head back slamming my hand on the desk and gripped his arm harsher with the other when I felt him pinch and pull my nipples altogether. I choked on my saliva and shuddered under him with wide eyes.

"Very sensitive... I see you play with yourself... more often? So naughty..." he chuckled. I wasn't fully aware that my shirt was all the way up revealing my body to him. I blushed madly and tried to push them back down only for him to grab my hands and looked at me dead in the eyes. "We don't want me to rip this into shreds now do we? Now behave or I have to discipline you myself.... Hyung.." He smirked and pinned my wrists just above my head with one hand. He caressed my thighs and gently pushed them flat on the desk making half of my legs dangle on the edge as they were pulled apart. It was a good thing that I'm fully clothed right now or else he would see how awfully lewder I can be than now. "You really didn't read the contract... It has also written that if you refuse or deny me than you can never see Namjoon... ever..."

This is beyond blackmail and sexy? Fuck no. I mean horrible. I was really looking forward for a job and seeing Namjoon but I never thought that I'd get to do this kind of thing with this freaking man. "Stop it!" I yelled in frustration. There was no way I'm letting himself feel me up like this. I whimpered when he grabbed my crotch harshly. I groaned and shut my eyes closed at how painful it was.

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