Chapter 4

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The plate was soon taken away from me. The party wasn't over yet so people kept chatting anyway and having fun... sort of.... I don't know. I haven't been in any party before and not as fancy as this.

I sighed in content and began to doze off. How can I not right after eating so much delicious food as steak, pasta, and so much more that were unknown to me. The amount of food was enough to have them as my food for the entire 2 weeks' time. I closed my eyes and leaned back. I smiled at how stuffed I feel. I was about to catch my sleep when I felt two hands stroked me from my knees up to my hips.

I yelped and shot my eyes open and the hands firmly put me in place. I whipped my head to glare at the one and only Park Jimin but I gasped as soon as I met with his dark gaze. It made me gulp and cower from it... slightly. It was the same gaze that I first saw from him when he...

I shuddered at the memories of how he took my virginity and how shameful I was to moan from it. Never in my life have I ever thought of losing my v card like this.

I gasped as I felt his hand rub circles on my inner thigh. I widened my eyes as I realized that he was actually touching me right infront of his guests. I bit my lips and tried to pull his hands away but I instead whimpered when he easily shoved a finger in my sore hole. I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth together.

"Behave.... Not unless you want to give the people a night to remember...." Jimin huskily whispered.

I let out a nervous shaky breathe. I could feel the tears forming in the corners of my eyes and decided to look down. I gasped in shock when my manhood was peaking out from the supposedly oversized sweater. I quickly pulled them down to cover Jimin's hands and my lower half. I then quickly fixed the long dangling cloth from the table to lessen the suspicion.

"Afraid to get caught now are we?.... cute" I heard him chuckle

I wanted to lash out on him but I never got the chance since someone cleared her throat infront of us. "Mind if we sit beside you Mr. Park?" The woman in a gorgeous plain long evening gown said. I bit my tongue to refrain myself from laughing at how the super pinkish color on her cheeks were making her look like an elegant clown.

"yes you may..."

I watched the woman and her female companion seated themselves. Her companion had her hair in a nice messy bun as how people call it. She wore such a daring pink gown that showed much of her cleavage and her back and had too much sparkles on it. It just screamed bitch or I'm fucking rich and a bitch. I scoffed to my thoughts and I think Jimin heard it as he pushed another finger in.

"Be nice..." He whispered making me hung my head low and grip the sheets.

"So Mr. Park.... This is my daughter Nina.." The woman introduced her so called daughter to him. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you mr. Park." She said.

I couldn't concentrate much to their conversation when I felt Jimin brush his fingertips along the outline of my dick. I watched in horror as my dick began to rise. 'Fuck' I thought. I'm actually reacting.

I kept my eyes shut and quietly panted as I felt myself get wet from it. I don't always touch myself so I know as to why I'm reacting so well and me being a damn virgin, or safe to say I was, is not helping!!

I crouched down and covered my eyes with an arm. My knees began to rub itself against each other as I felt my stomach twist. The noises from my surroundings had my head feel like pounding itself over and over. I slowly turned my head to the side to take a peak at Jimin. I clenched my fists and glared at how calm he looked as he chatted with those women. Here I am practically crying silently from the torture of his fingers going in and out of my hole and his hand slowly pumping me making my dick feel slick with my own precum.

Oh God... I mouthed as I bit my lips till I could feel the iron taste from. I could feel my breathe become uneven as my stomach churned...

I gapped as I felt my voice got stuck in my throat. I used my other hand to cover my mouth from the pain. Jimin harshly grabbed his head preventing him to cum.

I closed my eyes and tried to regain my composure.

"So Mr. Park... This is such a lovely party, more of a bachelorette seeing you with some of your friends and how single you are gracing yourselves to have this place be so... vibrant..." The woman giggled in such an old manner. I honestly don't know if she was offering her daughter to Jimin or herself.

"Well... I know for a fact that we are so busy with our work that we needed this to unwind by getting together with some of the people who are dear to us, may it be from the company, friends or family. They are most welcomed." He calmly said.

Nina giggled and responded. "I hope we could be in good terms in the near future... and maybe past the level of just being friends?" I slowly lifted my head a little bit; just enough to see the girl's face. I squinted my eyes at how ridiculous she looked if she was trying to be flirtatious with her lip biting. I winced as I slowly looked down and lifted my sweater a bit. I gulped dryly as I saw how purple and bluish my dick looked like.


I slowly leaned back and covered my face on Jimin's neck. I panted shamelessly and covered my mouth to the side and whispered something I believe shocked us both.

"Daddy please... please let your baby boy cum."

My breathe hitched as I felt Jimin release me letting me cum all over the sheets of some parts of the table cloth. I whimpered and just kept my face on Jimin's neck.

"I'm sorry... My pet isn't feeling too well right now. Although it was nice seeing you again Mrs. Han, Nina... I sincerely apologize but I have to attend to my pet in the moment..." Jimin apologized as he discretely wiped off my cum to prevent it from dripping too much.

I could hear the woman scoffed at Jimin. "How rude of your pet... Does he have no shame? He could have just went out by himself..." I took a peek from Jimin's neck to see her glaring at me.

'Well excuuuuuuuseeeee you!'

"Excuse me... I don't think you understand but.. he is certainly ill since he was showing signs of discomfort throughout our conversation. So ladies..." he trailed off. My breathe hitched a little when he picked me up and carried me out of the room despite the fact that there were so many women begged him to stay and the two from earlier weren't so different.

I slowly tried to lift my head as soon as I heard the doors clicked shut only to be forced back on Jimin's shoulder. He didn't say anything and I hardly have any energy left in me. I lifted my gaze at Jimin and began to study his features. He had a chiseled jaw, plump looking lips, his soft looking skin, his doe shaped eyes. Seriously, he's... stunning. I unconsciously began to draw a finger along Jimin's jawline carefully and began to hum quietly.

I stopped as soon as my hands was snatched away and I soon found myself being thrown on the fluffy comfortable bed. I felt myself bounce a little and gulped thickly as I watched Jimin crawl closer to me as I backed away slowly. I squealed a little when he pinned my wrists above my head.

"So you think you can get away huh little slut?"

I shuddered at his growl.

"I don't know what you're talking about... you started it..." I defended myself as I tried to stay away. 'Shit... I'm so tired...'

"How can I when you kept moaning every now and then as you took a bit from your food.... And now you just had the audacity to call me daddy... what a natural slut..." he smirked.

"You're gonna get yourpunishment baby boy and let's just see how much you'd scream daddy for me..." he taunted as he began to lift up my sweater.... Or technically speaking.. his sweater..

I sighed and closed my eyes. "Daddy, Joonie promises to be a good boy and receive his punishment first thing in the morning... I just can't... right now..." I trailed off and soon... I got knocked out.


Author's Note:

You guys enjoyed the cliff hanger? I'm planning on writing another story... I'm thinking Taegi... bottom Yoongi because... why not right?

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