Chapter 10

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"You did what?!?! Hyung how could you??" Jungkook had his eyes wide open and looked like he was fuming with rage as soon as I was done telling him the story on how I punished my Joonie two days ago. We're currently in my office right now as I am seated in my swiveling chair and he seated himself infront of my desk. I could only stare at him blankly and sip my coffee with both hands. He knows me too well for the fact that if I drink ice coffee with both hands... I'm guilty but too proud to admit it.

"I lost control...." I meekly said in which I earned him slamming his hands on the desk. I didn't flinch though. Jungkook may seem to be intimidating with all of his muscles flexing as he breathed angrily through his nostrils. There is a reason as to why he is my right hand man that most people feared but to me... He's just the small old Kook that I basically grew up with.

"Hyung! That's no excuse! You should have taken care of him! That is basically the point of the term 'AFTER CARE'! He's not even accustomed to this lifestyle! You should have guided hi through this!" He yelled at me. I can't lie. It was a mistake. I went overboard and I should have taken good care of him like Jungkook has said but just one look on Namjoon's lewd expressions and his disobedience sent me over the edge. I always hate it when people disobey me. This lifestyle gave me complete control and I didn't want that I won't have control over Namjoon.

"Hyung... You have to fix this... How can he give you his heart, body and soul if you basically broke him?!?!" I sighed and threw the empty ice coffee bottle in the bin next to my desk. He's right. I might have broken Namjoon to the extent he only eats little and avoids me at all costs. I didn't want to add another punishment for ignoring me and such... It might just add more fuel to the flame ya know.

"Well... What am I supposed to do?" My lips formed a thin line as I neatly folded my legs and lean back on my chair. I really do want us to be okay really... I only have a shitty way of showing it ever since that one incident of the past.

"You're going to get your ass up and leave this office and go to him." He slumped back in the chair and smiled folding his legs and clasped his hands together. "You should discuss the pros and cons of being his pet. You see hyung... Namjoon hyung is not like any other people that would actually do anything for the money. He has morals too. You were doing a great job in the first three days and you decided to fuck it up in one night."

"He's supposed to be paying me back with his body-"

"And yet you haven't discussed the scale of it.... I gotta tell you... He was either dumb or stupid enough to believe that the mermaid statue costs 50 million."

I chuckled as I reminisce the night when I caught him starring at the statue only to frighten him and break it. He looked so cute when he looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "He was so afraid..." I whispered and smiled propping my elbow on my desk and had my head rested on my palm.

"And you took advantage of it... But really... Thank you for pricing my artwork that high! Such a sly snake you are Park Jimin."

"More of the reason why I'm in this business Kook... You of all people should understand that there is immense power when people fear you... "

Jungkook chuckled and rolled his eyes crossing his arms over his chest. "Funny... How this little Namjoon hyung has enough power already for you to ask some advice from me and besides if there was a sub acting so bitchy you would either throw him them in a ditch, sell them to someone... and the worse case scenario have them raped to your men and then kill him afterwards... You really like him huh?"

"Like is not a very strong word but it is heavy enough. I wouldn't say like..." I pursed my lips and starred at the ceiling. "It's just that he intrigues me..." The first time I saw his picture in the photograph I felt so drawn to him. It was as if there was a voice calling out telling me to get him. And the first time I was able to get a taste of him.. I knew that I wouldn't have enough of him... A new form of drug designed for me only.

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