Chapter 2

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I groaned in my sleep and began to feel my surroundings. I smiled as I began to massage the silky smooth sheets under me simply enjoying its softness. A sigh of content left my lips as I snuggled my face the soft fluffy pillow...





I jumped from the unknown object under me and fell face flat on the floor. "Fuck!" I groaned as I tried to sit up straight only to lie on the floor from the immense pain I feel on my lower region.

"What the actual fuck..." I trailed off as soon as I took in the sight of this room. Apparently this isn't my room. I live in a shitty messy apartment. The size of this room is the whole size of our apartment. I winced as I squinted my eyes as soon as the memories came rushing in. Oh God...

I quickly stood on my feet and I widened my eyes as soon as I saw my nudity. The second thought that came to my mind was to find a bathroom. I took the first door I've seen and tried my luck. I opened the door and my eyes roamed around for a mirror.

I gasped at the sight of my reflection. There it was. I am literally covered in hickeys for crying out loud!!! I brushed my fingers on the black and blue bruises painted on my chest, arms, sides, legs and ass. This man wrecked me!!! But what really caught my eye was the strapped black leather on my neck.

"What the actual fuck!" I yelled as I tried to feel the thing on my neck as I eye through the mirror. I traced the golden Korean symbols on it. Park Jimin. I shuddered at the memories of a man that took my virginity. How the hell can he look so angel and demonic? Well whatever... I'm not sticking around to find out.

I gripped the black leather and tried to undo the buckle. I tried to pull, tug and stuff but the thing wouldn't budge. I walked infront of the mirror and leaned forward to take a good look on the material. It's oddly thick and has a ripple texture. I grimaced. This Jimin guy probably has a pet kink and awfully loaded.

I scoffed and limped out of the bathroom and went to the other door that I was hoping would be the exit. I whistled at the sight of the inside.

"A walk in closet... probably..." I whispered to myself as I eyed the half closed huge closets made with one way mirrors and I limped toward the exotic looking statue of a mermaid made out of marble resting on a matching white marble table. I smiled as I examined the piece of art. I leaned on the edge of the table for support and when I was about to touch it a voice disrupted my thoughts.

"What are you doing?"

I gasped and turned around quickly accidently knocking off the statue. I gasped loudly and watched the statue hit the floor right before I could catch it.

"I'm so so sorry.... I'll pay you back..." I mubled pathetically as I crouched down and tried to put the pieces together but I only realize that they crack even more...

GOD OF DESTRUCTION .... Why did it have to be me?!?!?!

I bit my lips nervously when I hear the clicking of shoes going near me. It was those familiar sound. I felt my face heat up a bit when I remember how it began.

I gasped when a hand caressed my collar from behind and felt it brush down to my arm as my eyes followed the movement. I gulped thickly and admired the hand that gave me such pleasure that scares me so much in ways I didn't know. I whimpered when the man drabbed a fist full of my hair and tugged it to the side. I could feel his hot breathe on my ear and those magnificent plump limps on it.

Shit... I thought and prayed that I wouldn't get a boner from it.

I felt myself brace from the impact of whatever he was going to do. My change of breathing pattern was evidently that he has an effect on me. Me and my hormones.... Ughhh

"How could you ever pay me back, kitten? You know... It would add up to your parents debts... Do you also want to pay for this exotic collar on you? It costs a fortune... well to most people... but for me... it's a child's play..." He huskily whispered and at the end of his sentence he dragged his tongue on my jaw as his other arm that was supposed to be on my arm snaked under it and stroked my chest and began tugging my nipples.

"stop..." I tried to sound firm but it came out wrong since the man behind me chuckled. I groaned when he bit my cheeks. What is wrong with this guy.

I kind of relaxed when he lets go of me only to tower above me. I didn't dare to look at him. Something about his aura screamed 'Dominant'. I'm not stupid to die on the spot or take so much pain just when I could still feel myself throb down there. I'd rather want him to keep his hand to himself... hmph!

I could hear soft laughter that made me look up. The man has a gorgeous smile with his fingers slightly hiding them. "how submissive... but you see kitten... I can't simply keep them to myself seeing how obedient and irresistible you are..."He smirked causing me to stutter for some excuse as to why I just said that out loud. He only waved it off and extended his hand. "Park Jimin... CEO of Park Electronics Corporation and owner of Janson Enterprise."

I just gawked at him due to his introduction. I blinked my eyes furiously and couldn't believe what the hell he was talking about and soon I began to laugh hysterically. Jimin cocked his head to the side out of curiosity but I just couldn't help it!

"Yah! Is this a joke? 'The Park Jimin'?" I scoffed. "From what I heard the guy is a sweetheart and not a rapist/kidnapper like you!" I boldly stated and took on the glaring contest with him.

"Kim Namjoon, 25 year old male, studying at Seoul National University, 3rd year student under the Literature department, lives in a shitty old apartment; basically lives off from contests because he couldn't do anything right or his extreme clumsiness; so poor that his parents simply left him to the black scorpion, a famous mafia group just because they couldn't pay their debt." Jimin said nonchalantly as he hooked his hand in the pockets of his grey hoodie.

With every word that slipped past Jimin's lips I could feel the tears in my eyes, so I bit my tongue as I tried so hard not to cry. I just met this man but he seemed to know so much about me and slapped the hurtful true facts on my face.

"I don't know about you but... you see... I enjoy this fast life. The luxury, lifestyle, fame.." he trailed off as he grabbed my chin to face him that I didn't even know I had my head down. " And the fun that goes along with it..." He licked his lips sensually and had that look in his eyes that I couldn't even pinpoint what it is. I groaned and slapped his hand away and glared at the floor.

I could feel the hot tears daring to fall down as I felt a hand on my hand gently patting it. "I hope you realize sooner or later that you belong to me.. your body, heart, mind and might as well give up your soul for me.. only me... I am your master and it's your job to tend to my needs... and I mean everything..." He emphasized. "Clean this shit up and go downstairs to your right, second door. You can grab one of my hoodies and that's it. I don't want you wearing anything underneath... You should know more than to disobey me..." and with that he ran his hand through my hair leaving me alone to cry by myself.

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