Chapter 13

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I furrowed my brows in confusion for who could that be. I separated myself from Namjoon and turned around to get the door. I gasped and widened my eyes as soon as I saw the person I never wanted to see.... Even when I know that our paths will always cross with each other... I still wouldn't want to see him.

"Hey daddy.... I'm back~~." He whispered to my ear as soon as he wrapped his arms around my neck. He leaned in much further and licked my ear making me shiver. I closed my eyes and felt my adam's apple bob. I unconsciously glided my hand across his waist and pulled him closer. He giggled in delight and dragged a finger under my chin.

I shook my head and snapped out of it. No... Not this again.

I grabbed his hand and pulled it away. I sighed and dragged him back to my office and closed the doors. I rubbed my temples and pulled out my phone to contact Jungkook telling him to come to my office as soon as possible seeing that I don't think I could handle this situation properly. What I love about Jungkook is that how patient he is with me and the only reliable person that I could trust to control me from ripping this man apart. What can I say? That's what a huge heartbreak can do to you especially when it's your first love.

"What do you want Taehyung?" I said as I wore my expressionless face and sat down to my swiveling chair and starred at the man I once loved. He looked as gorgeous as ever. His beautiful cunning doe eyes pierced through mine as he smiled at me mischievously. 'Don't look at me like that.' I thought to myself as I recollected my persona. I watched him slowly walk towards me and sat on the edge of my desk. He hummed and pulled out a white folder.

"We have a problem..." He said and placed the folder infront of me.

"Since when is there a 'we'?" I asked bitterly and began to scan the content of the folder.

"Since you, Jungkookie and I are the bestest friends!!" He chirped making me wince.

"The Black Tiger... heard of the gang?"He said and stood up circling the desk. "This... gang... has been snooping around. It doesn't concern me... not yet..."He paused and stood beside me watching me flip through the pages.

"What do you mean... not yet?"

"This group was snooping your shit... but ofcourse it is linked to mine and Jungkook's so..."

"I should be worried as of why?"I asked in irritation only to widen my eyes at the last picture of the content.

"This is the top gang of Seoul... One in which we shouldn't mess around with or should we be friends with... not unless we have their alpha's weakness...." He then had the audacity to sit on my lap and patted my chest. "I heard that this big bad alpha has a best friend that he treasures the most and he's currently looking for him..."

"Does it matter?" I spatted and closed the file and threw it on the desk.

"I have a theory..." He hummed and let his fingers dance on my shoulder. "That you did something to piss him off... must be related to the sweet boy in your room?" He whispered the last part in my ear making me scoff and push him off. But ofcourse this is Kim Taehyung.... I groaned when he straddled me and cupped my face making me look at him. I narrowed my eyes and hit his face with my elbow and grabbed his wrist turning him around and pinned him down on the desk.

He laughed hysterically and groaned. "Remember how you used to fuck me against this very desk of yours huh, daddy? Did you screw him over my favorite desk?!" He yelled and tackled me to the floor. I widened my eyes when I saw him bring out his razor sharp customized claws attached to his brass knuckles. "have you forgotten me already? Let me help you remember, daddy."

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