Chapter 15

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Min Yoongi (POV)

I widened my eyes and stared at the towering heights of the black gates of the infamous Jeon Jungkook. I wasn't supposed to take up the offer, but this is the only way to see Namjoon again. I just learned earlier that Jeon Jungkook is one of the three greatest business tycoons of South Korea and shouldn't be messed around with that even I can't risk losing my men without having a chance of winning.

I groaned my frustration when I rang the doorbell. I snickered when I was greeted a couple of men as they escorted me in a three-story mansion. I gulped and stared at the intimidating sight of what seems to be this Jeon's home. I sighed when they slightly nudged me to move forward. I rolled my eyes and turned around to face them.

"What? You're not coming with?" I asked.

"The boss asked only for you," He coldly replied.

I groaned and entered the place as quiet as possible so that I wouldn't interrupt others at this place. I let out a quiet puff and began to roam around the huge hall. I found myself smiling as I starred at the classic statues residing in the middle. I bit my lips as my hand trailed on the well-polished wooden balusters. My eyes seem to follow the glistening light until it fell on the most angelic features that I have ever seen.

My breathing hitched when I saw him with a long-sleeved black polo shirt with matching black slacks to go with. The way the sun hits him made his hair shimmer that the only thing missing now is a pair of angel wings. My thoughts were snapped and brought me back to reality when I heard him clear his throat.

"Very punctual, Hyung... I like it. And I think that I like it better when you moaned out wanting me to fuck you." He smirked and I just had to groan at my embarrassment and hung my head low. "Follow me, Hyung." He instructed.

I sighed when he began to go up to another flight of stairs on the left. I sighed as my feet began to follow this man. The only thing I take orders from is from this guy. If anyone finds out about it then I'm fuckin dead.

"I want you to change in these... and this room will be yours if ever you want to rest or sleepover and stuff." He smiled as he handed me a black paper bag.

"Now why would I want to have a sleepover here?"

"Oh, you might never know...." He singsonged.

I sighed and went inside to check the room out. I scrunched up my brows and wondered how on earth is it big for a maid's room. I turned around and looked at him He seemed to know what I was thinking as he chuckled and brushed his thumb and forefinger on his bottom lip.

"My office would be down the hall if you need me." He said and left me alone to change and closed the door.

I gulped and approached the bed. I sighed and laid out the maid outfit on the bed. I crouched down low as I felt my stomach churn. I gritted my teeth and silently yelled my frustration. I stood up abruptly and stomped my foot like a child not having his candy... however, the only difference is that a grown man being embarrassed about having to wear an outfit for women just when he had dedicated himself to finding Namjoon.

"Namjoon.... That's right Min Yoongi. Do it for Namjoon."

I sighed in defeat and shakily grabbed the outfit.

"Here goes nothing..."

I took a deep breath and began to undress. I then decided to put on the stockings first. I sat on the edge of the bed and carefully put them on with one leg in the air.

"Oh by the way, here are-

I widened my eyes in horror as they were trained on the owner of the voice who was standing at the door starring at my legs with a paper bag in his hand.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now