Chapter 1

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"let's have some fun."

Namjoon shivered from his captor's breathe in his ear. He took quick breathes and bit his lips. He didn't want to admit but somehow, he felt drawn to the voice. It sounded so angelic but with a hint of demonic. Namjoon didn't know he couldn't tell. How can he? He doesn't interact with others that much.

"Please don't hurt me..." He pleaded. He mentally facepalmed himself knowing that the man wouldn't even flinch or reconsider his words.

The man licked his lips and yanked the chair to tilt it so the other could face the ceiling. Namjoon whimpered and began to cry. He hushed his victim leaning down to bite his lips. He smirked when he felt the male whimper. His lips then travelled down to his jaw and Adam's apple before ripping Namjoon's cheap thin clothing and bit down on his shoulder... hard.

Namjoon let out a loud cry from the excruciating pain. Whoever the man was he thought that his teeth were sharp or maybe because he was never been bitten by anyone or anything at the matter. He cocked his head to the side and began to sob and letting his tears wet the tie. He gasped when he felt someone straddled his lap and cupped his neck slamming his lips to something soft and plump. He whimpered when he felt his shirt continued to be ripped into shreds letting the cool air hit his sweaty skin. By this he felt a wet muscle slid in between his lips. He muffled his cries as the man dominate his tongue in which Namjoon never bothered to put up a fight with in the beginning.... He is a virgin after all.

He continued to beg and cry louder when he fell backwards resulting to breaking the chair and his hands in the process. "please..." he quietly pleaded. He groaned in pain as he felt the knots on his feet loosen. His captor only laughed and ravished his body. He bit his lips to supress his moans as he felt the man's hands hot on his torso. He gasped when he felt something soft and plump again but this time on a different area.... On his right nipple. He felt strong fingers play with the other. He couldn't do anything but plead and squirm under him. He felt so.... Weak and defenceless.... Vulnerable..

The man smiled and eyed Namjoon. His teeth grazed on the bud sucking and nipping. His lips went down further; his eyes never leaving Namjoon's. he halted when he reached to the belly button. He scoffed as he examined the thin fabric which claims to be his pants. He grimaced at the thing before ripping it apart. He let out a silent gasped as he accidentally ripped Namjoon's boxers as well. He smiled and bit his lips as he took a good look on Namjoon.

Namjoon was panting hard with a semi erection as he laid down on the debris of the shattered wooden chair. A few ropes loosely binded him. The man fumbled his belt and quickly slid down his boxers and pants by which caught Namjoon's attention that made him snap his neck towards the direction of the sound. "no..." said and began to cry as he tried to scoot away from the man. He screamed when he was pulled by his ankles and felt his legs fold and his knees brought up to his chest. Namjoon began to murmur 'no' over and over as it turned to be a chant hoping that he wasn't going to be raped... hoping that his virginity won't be taken from him like this. He wasn't ready. His mind couldn't think properly as he was distracted with his own thoughts until he felt something enter his mouth that made him gag.

His captor was being gentle as he considered to prep his captive by shoving his three fingers in his mouth to coat them and when he thought that it was slippery and slick enough he pulled them out. He grabbed Namjoon's ass and spreaded his ass cheeks wider so he could insert three fingers right in and began to finger fuck him. He wasn't the most patient person in the world so he put three in. He then began to jerk his own erection as his pupils dilated at the sight of Namjoon's body glistening with sweat and his tear stained face with the wet tie on him. The sight could make him cum but he had to hold on because the thought of being inside Namjoon is something that could sent him over the edge and the cries echoing in the room entices the situation even more.

He grunted as he pulled out his fingers that Namjoon made him feel a little relief and his cries quieted down because for a second.... Just for a second he thought it was over.... Big mistake...

Namjoon cried out even more when he felt something long and big pushed in his entrance, slamming its huge size in such a small place. He arched his back and cried out. He wasn't even been given a minute to get used to the size when he felt his legs spread wider and the man began to thrust in and out of him. He cried so many times for the man to stop but to no avail the man didn't listen but it made matters worse. He felt himself being ripped apart.

The man grunted at how tight Namjoon was. 'virgin.. definitely a virgin' he thought. He pulled out his shaft and jerked him off infront of the man as he shot his load all over his torso and some got caught on Namjoon's face. He laughed wickedly when he watched Namjoon cum, squirting the white sticky liquid like a fountain. He leaned back to examine the mess he a made out of Namjoon. 'That's better...' he thought; The white essence painted a livelier vibe in his work of art. He also noticed that his necktie was hanging lose from Namjoon's face, his one eye peeking...

Namjoon gasped when he watched a sinful angel shot his cum all over his body that made him cum on his own accord. How could he not? The man looked like he was sculpted perfectly by God himself that took his sweet time making him. He panted hard as he watched the man reach out and massage his limp dick before bringing up his hand and observe his cum coated fingers before smiling wickedly. Namjoon gulped thickly. The man's smile.... It was cunning but he couldn't look away... he loved it.

Namjoon licked his lips involuntarily when the man brushed his own lips with his thumb. He widened his eyes when the man's next move took him by surprise. He kissed him making Namjoon taste himself. He felt his head being tilted to deepen the kiss. It was so intense that he passed out from it.

The man pulled back and chuckled at the cute gesture. He fixed his pants first before carrying the sleeping form of Namjoon in his arms and let his head rest on his chest. He walked out of his headquarters as he passed by his men that bowed in either his sides.

"Clean the mess up..." He said as he made his way to his limo. They bowed one more time before they scrammed.

The car door was opened for him so he went in at ease. He laid Namjoon on his lap and placed his head securely on his shoulder before fishing out his phone from his pack pocket and dialled a number.

"Hey..." He smiled as he let his free hand caress Namjoon's smooth thighs. "I need a collar..." he said and kissed Namjoon's head.

"Under what name?.... My name ofcourse... Park Jimin..."

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