Chapter 14

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Namjoon sat on the edge of his bed... or what he presumes to be his and Jimin's seeing that they both share it. He sighed for the nth time of the day as he starred into nothingness as he faced the window. He wasn't aware what day it was or for how long he did he manage to keep it together ever since he was abducted and was forced to pay for in behalf of his parents. He frowned when he realized that he was enjoying this too much.

Namjoon never had anything to begin with. He only relied to his best friend Yoongi and to his knowledge. It was what kept him together although out these years. Now he was here contemplating on how he managed to fall inlove with his captor for who knows how long.

Yes... you have read that right.... Kim Namjoon is inlove

Park Jimin didn't have to force Namjoon in giving him his everything... He already did... He wasn't exactly sure how it all began... It was just... It just happened. He knows that he is inlove because... despite of being kidnapped and all... Namjoon felt different with Jimin. He felt nice... safe... and horny.

Namjoon blushed at the thought and sighed once more as his mind began to wonder off to Yoongi. Namjoon will always be forever grateful of his hyung. There is no doubt in that. In his eyes his hyung is a superhero.... Not the ones with capes and have super powers. It was because his hyung frequently will always be there to rescue him. He began to sniff away his tears and thought

'He's not here to save him...'

He sobbed as he brought his knees to his chest. He just wanted to go home. It may be not as luxurious as Jimin's but he was happy. He was fine with his Yoongi-hyung and his parents ignoring him. He was fine with the life he had before this madness.

He was so engrossed with his thoughts that he didn't hear the door open. Jimin went in his room and went to his walk in closet to change in a more set of comfortable clothes. He groaned when he dived in the bed and wrapped an arm around Namjoon's stomach making the older flinch. "Why are you still awake at this hour?" he asked him. It was now 11:59 PM. The conversation among him and his friends took longer than expected. Jungkook gave him a lecture of an hour or two because he still couldn't oppose Taehyung... How could he? When Taehyung was Jimin's everything to begin with.

So instead of Namjoon answering Jimin he threw the man's arm off of him and got under the covers and scooted himself as far away from Jimin as possible. This caught Jimin off guard. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion and shot his head up and starred at Namjoon. He thought that they were doing well. He thought that Namjoon was already giving in.

"Hey... are you okay?" He asked.

Namjoon scoffed and rolled his eyes and covered his head with the duvet wanting to just hide from this man. It was childish... yes... but he just felt so betrayed right now.

Jimin narrowed his eyes at the lump. He wasn't exactly the most patient person in the world so he yanked the duvet off of Namjoon and grabbed his jaw. "I asked you a question, pet." He sneered. He knew to himself that he was crossing a line but it was his mafia boss instincts that were urging him to do such things. But what surprised him at the moment was that Namjoon then again defied him and pushed him off to the edge of the bed.

"Fuck off!"

Jimin starred at Namjoon in disbelief. His pet was just out breaking rules just when he's so annoyed by Jungkook's nagging. This surely doesn't sit well with him so he began to take off Namjoon's shirt. He grabbed his wrists and pinned them over the boy's head wrapped his fingers around his neck. "Listen closely... and tell me honestly... What got you so riled up this late at night."He said in such a low and deadly voice. It was the same voice he uses on his victims and the people who won't give him want he wants... "You don't get to keep secrets from me baby boy... remember the rules? Is my demonstration of your recent punishment not enough for you to get the memo that.... YOU. SHOULD. OBEY THE RULES!!" he yelled at him.

Namjoon whimpered but he starred at Jimin as though as if he was challenging the man. He glared at his so called master. And whimpered louder when he felt the pressure on his neck. "Who was he...." He softly asked. He asked this not because he was in pain. His heart was hurting and just wanted answers.

Jimin ticked his jaw and clicked his tongue. "That is none of your business..." he said in a more calm manner.

"I have the right-"

"NO YOU DON'T!" He said cutting Namjoon off.

Namjoon widened his eyes and realized what he had done.... He made his captor mad... like really really mad. He gulped nervously and averted his eyes .... He didn't want to look at Jimin's wild eyes that seem to scare the living shit out of him and makes him feel... aroused... in a way... that... he couldn't exactly describe.

"You should mind your own business!... Or maybe I have been slacking off as your master... teaching you to know your place...." Jimin spoke menacingly. He wasn't thinking straight anymore... He just felt rage. He didn't want Namjoon to know about Taehyung. He didn't want anyone other than the past to know how weak he was and how he still is with the Taehyung.

Jimin got up and went to his cabinet and pulled out a vibrator and some cuffs and a flogger. He brought those items on the bed and cuffed Namjoon's wrist on the headboard as he positioned the boy on his lap and raised his ass a little. "Here... let me give you a lecture..."he said lowly and pushed the vibrator up in Namjoon's ass.. no lube. No prep. He entered the item raw making sure he switched it on to a maximum level.

Namjoon let out a piercing scream and panicked when he saw Jimin raise the flogger. He gasped when his master strike his ass multiple times. He pleaded his master to stop but his cries seem to drown by the smacking noises made by his skin and the flogger. Jimin didn't give him time to breathe and adjust to the pain... so Namjoon just grabbed a pillow and sobbed on it that broke the trance of what Jimin was in.

Jimin panted heavily and starred down at Namjoon's now super reddish ass that some blood seem to trickle down. He sighed threw the flogger across the room in frustration. He got up and went to the cabinet to pull out some soothing cream. He hurriedly went back on the bed and applied it on the area that he just abused. He chewed on his lips as he heard Namjoon wincing from the immense pain of having his sore ass being touched.

He sighed and closed the contained with the lid and placed it on the night stand. He took off Namjoon's restraints and cuddled him closer but was careful enough not to touch the bruises and fresh wounds. "Don't make me do things..." He whispered not and kissed Namjoon's head feeling like he was a puppy being kicked to the side.

Namjoon sighed and exhaustingly wrapped an arm around Jimin and let his master nuzzle his face on his neck. He couldn't bring himself to hate Jimin but he's not fine with it at all. The man.... His crush.... The one he admires.... Just hurt him and now vividly told him that he was nothing more than just a pet.... And he was a fool to think that maybe... just maybe... Jimin likes him back...

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

Writing this was stressful.... Writing this broke my heart... I sure do love the drama but.... I'M SORRYYYYYY

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