Chapter 22

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I held my Ryan Plushie close to my chest and hummed. I was currently being held by Jungkook. It's not what you think! There's nothing... terrible or bad about it. I think he did it because I was shaking so much earlier. Why wouldn't I? I was trying my best to get the fuck out of that place and I have zero knowledge of ever defending myself.

"It's nice to see that it's working..." Jungkook chuckled and tapped my collar.

I gave him a strange look and pouted. I wasn't exactly sure why he knew that there was a tracking device on it.

"I made that collar." He then explained. "Jiminie-hyung wanted to implant a tracking device on you but I told him that it was too extreme aaaand not very reliable because... if ever you get kidnapped they could easily take it out of you through surgery. This collar can only be removed by him only."

I hugged my Ryan plushie even tighter and felt my cheeks heat up. I feel so nervous and excited to see him. Is he mad that I chose my hyung over him? I feel so shameless for choosing to leave him and then come back to him.

"Hey..." Jungkook nudged me a little. "Why the long face? I thought you'd be happy to see him."

"I am... I'm not sure if he is."

"Oh don't worry. If ever he doesn't even want to see you, I'd put him in the hospital right away!" This made me laugh a little as he ruffled my hair in a sweet way right before he asked. "How's Yoongi-hyung?"

This made me pause and straighten up my back and faced him. "How do you know him?" I asked suspiciously.

Jungkook sighed and held my knee. He gave me the saddest smile I ever saw on him. "We... met when he was looking for you. I took advantage of that because I wanted to make him mine... We were doing okay until... He got hurt because of me..." He quickly held my hands together and looked me in the eye which took me back a little. "Namjoon-hyung, you have to understand and believe me that I have never intended to hurt him."

I bit my lips and tried to hold my laughter inside. I brought my hands to my face and just lose it. I rolled to the side and tried to contain my laughter.

"Yah! Kim Namjoon!"

"I'm sorry. WOOOW!" I sighed and laughed a few more before saying, "Min Yoongi is the kindest person I know. If you hurt him so bad he's just going to let off some steam but he wouldn't hate you so bad."

"Yeah right! You're basically a brother to him." He said rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest.

"No! I swear! Last year, he had a friend that accidentally did something that made ruined his GPA or something but he apologized and I think they're still okay." I said nodding my head trying to give some reassurance to this man. I know that something was up when he mentioned my hyung. Yoongi-hyung will never stick up with someone he doesn't really like no matter what happens but of course it's for me to know and for this hopeless guy to find out.

"Sir Jeon. We're here." The driver stopped the car in a parking garage under a heavily hoarded condominium.

"Jung Hoseok and his men won't find us here. This building is off the radar so we're fine."

I took a deep breath before opening the car door and getting out. Jungkook followed suit and before I could get to say anything I was tackled hard.

"Fuck!" I cursed at how strong that impact was that in a split second I wasn't able to hold on tight to my plushie and had to watch Ryan flew away. Jungkook, with his fast reflexes, was able to catch it before it ever landed on the floor. I relaxed almost immediately at that and soon tensed when I was held by the collar of my shirt. This gesture made me look up and lock eyes with a familiar gaze... all too familiar and yet somehow frightening.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now