Chapter 8

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Earlier that day...

I fixed my cufflinks and passed by my men that were responsible for the security of the house. "You don't let my pet out unless I tell you to... Understood?" I said before leaving them with their 'yes sir'. I sighed and hopped in my matte all black Porsche and drove off to my office. As soon as I got there I parked my car to my personal car space and went up the building. It was just another same old day as I went past my employees who did their greetings as part of their routine. The only difference now was that I now have a new pet to please me.... Maybe I can bring him here in my office some time... hmmm

"Park Jimin" I glanced up to the man that sat so casually on my couch. He looked definitely annoyed with his legs folded and sipping from his cup. I chuckled and shrugged off my blazer and placed it on the rack. I strutted my way to my swiveling chair with him right behind me. I sat down and folded my legs and took the coffee on my desk that was already prepared for me just to my liking.

"Hey Kookie...."

"Don't Kookie me! Your word!" Jungkook crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot impatiently sending daggers at me.

"Honestly Kook.. I was just having a piece of Namjoon's ass when I actually remembered about this and you can't even say a decent 'Hi'.."

"HI" He mocked and rolled his eyes at me. This guy is my best friend but sometimes act too.. childish for my liking... I love him anyway.

I took a sip of my coffee and moaned. I pulled my second drawer on my right and pulled out a brown envelope before throwing it on my desk towards Jungkook. His eyes widened and took the file. He opened it and his bunny smile began to show up. He then sat on the edge of my desk and began to go through the files.

"I had him searched up too since he was so... touchy with my pet. And I got a little curious too..." I explained. "His name is Min Yoongi. They both went to the same high school and now... in college. The guy is in the music department while Namjoon is in the literature department. The two are basically inseparable.. I also got news that he was searching for Namjoon right now." I said and went to the computer to check my emails.

"Why?!" Jungkook looked at me with an irritated look.... This jealous bunny...

"Calm down" I said. I chuckled and shook my head and began to answer some of my emails. "Yoongi is basically like the father type. He makes sure that Namjoon eats something and stuff. He tries his best to take care of him but recently he has been too busy to keep up with his schedule. His exams just ended and now he wanted to go check up on him... only to find him gone." I shrugged.

"That is so cute... I want him to take care of me too..." He pouted as he starred at a certain picture.

"Then go grab him! His address is right there!" I pointed to the fil in his hands with my fountain pen before grabbing my papers from the side to sign them off.

"Oh... I want to... but that's not my style... I'm not like you." I slowly lifted my head up to meet his hinting gaze that was telling me something... a plan... that I know will have me fucked up and over.

"Fuck No!" I yelled and flipped the pages furiously ignoring the younger.

"But you haven't heard it yet!" He cried out.

I only hummed and continued to ignore him. No way in hell will I ever agree to his stupid plans that almost cause me a fortune. May it be with our clients, other businesses or mafia related, it will always backfire especially at me.

"That involves your pet... making Namjoon maybe get too attached to you..." Okay.... Now that got me.

I sighed and propped up my elbows on the desk and laced my fingers together infront of my face. "You have 30 seconds..." I said giving him the chance to talk.

"Let Namjoon-hyung continue his college... Pick him up after class with me and then.... We get to meet his bestest friend~~" He cooed and smiled at.... I don't know if it was to himself or to the plan. "We continue the routine until I get close to Yoongi... and you my favorite hyung. Get to have Namjoon's heart." He continued.

"I don't know..." I hummed and went to my computer. I actually remembered to check up on Namjoon so I went to the cctv icon on my desktop and clicked the screens.

"Come on... Namjoon knows better than to-" He stopped talking as soon as he saw my screen. I gulped heavily of my coffee to see Namjoon sitting on the chair infront of the camera with his legs at either side of the computer giving me a full view of Namjoon playing with himself.

"That's hot..." Jungkook commented and grabbed my keyboard to turn up the volume.

"Master...." Namjoon moaned out making me shift in my seat and placed my tumbler back on the desk and watched him intently.

"Such a good boy..." He praised himself... great my pet loves praises... he won't get much later though. "Such a slut for master..." That last one got me shift my crotch in discomfort and I could see Jungkook in the corner of my eyes do the same.

I sighed and saw Jungkook lick his lips as he starred at the picture in his hands. I raised my brow in confusion and saw me starring. He smiled and showed me a picture of Yoongi licking off a vanilla coned ice cream as he looked to the side. We looked into each other's eyes and chuckled at how these things turned us on.

We whipped our head to the direction of my monitor when we heard a whimper. I widened my eyes when Namjoon began to play with his pink hole using one of my favorite fountain pens. "Such a cockslut!" He continued to insult himself.... So he likes insults as well?

"Fuck Jimin right there!" He yelled louder this time when he pushed the pen deeper in him. My breathing hitched at the sight of him.

"Ahhh~~~" He moaned out and shot his cum all over the table and had some on the camera giving us a blurry white figure and Namjoon's orgasm face.

I slowly turned my head to see Jungkook with a flushed face as he continued to stare at the picture with his hand on his crotch.

"If you're gonna do that... There's a bathroom to your right..." I smirked and fixed my pants and began to think of the faces that betrayed me.... Especially him.... I shuddered at the thought and glanced back down to my lower region and smiled when it instantly deflated.

"And I supposed to be in a meeting with you later..." Jungkook chuckled and adjusted his pants before placing Yoongi's picture in his jacket. "Send me a soft copy of this later..." He said referring to the files.

I chuckled and glanced at the clock on my desk. "Well... Lets get to it then." I spoke... It's gonna be a loooong day.


Just as soon as I got home I opened my bedroom to see Namjoon sucking his thumb and in a fetal position on the bed fast asleep. I chuckled when I went near him and grabbed the remote control in from his other hand and turned off the television. My eyes traveled to the desk that he cleaned so much looking so spotless as if it was left untouched.

I slowly walked up towards it and chuckled when I opened the laptop to see his well types essay. I must say.... A guy with an IQ of 148 might just be useful in the future. I glance back to his sleeping form and smiled. Maybe I can reconsider Jungkook's offer.

I chuckled and went infront of the bed and carried Namjoon in the other black door that was offlimits. It's time to show my pet how to obey the rules... even when I'm not looking....

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

Hmmmmm.... Should I write another chapter of smut or nah? Let me know

Ayyeee..... yoonkook shippers are yall excited?

So how's the cliffhanger for yall? Hope you enjoyed today's update

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