Chapter 5 part 2

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Jimin smiled unimpressed at his guests. He had his glass wine on his right hand gracefully dangling in between in his fingers on his side while his other hand lazily played with his own hair. He wasn't fond of gatherings or parties, but he needed to do this to celebrate another success of his company. He chuckled at whatever the man was telling him nodding attentively as he listened to his childish story of how the other raised his empire and how golden it was back then. He sighed mentally as he grew impatient waiting for Namjoon to get in.

He turned his head when he noticed at the corner of his eye the door opened. His eyes were glued on his new pet's figure who seemed like a lost puppy at the door eyeing everyone in their glorious long evening gowns and million dollar suits. He waved off the man and politely told him that he needed to attend to something. He licked his lips as his eyes traveled from Namjoon's head to toe. The boy was wearing one of his favorite sweaters. He smiled when Namjoon obeyed him to not wear anything down below.

'Finally' He mentally groaned and bit his lips as he eye raped the poor boy.

"Namjoon!" Jimin yelled when he noticed that Namjoon was slowly leaving the room. He wasn't having any of that.

His yell made a sudden change of atmosphere even the hired singer was slightly affected and sang lowly but was enough for everyone to hear. All eyes were on the door revealing Jimin's new pet in one of his favorite red sweaters. Jimin smirked.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asked as he made eye contact with Namjoon.

Jimin thought that Namjoon was so cute looking so scared like this. "Oh Namjooon~~~~" He called grabbing the other's attention. He then beckoned him closer since everyone started whispering to one another on how Namjoon looked right now and how on earth did he ended up in the gathering room as Jimin would like to call it.

He watched as Namjoon brisk walked towards him and faced him while he turned his back to the crowd. He had his head hung low in shame as he gripped the hem of his shirt. Jimin bit his lips and grabbed Namjoon's waist with his free hand pulling him on his lap. He chuckled at how cute Namjoon whimpered and buried his face on his neck. He didn't mind not even a single bit. In fact he smiled and pulled down Namjoon's manhood since everyone was now practically taking a peek from it. Jimin is not one to share.

"I see you have a new pet. I didn't know you were into that sort of thing my dear." A woman said. Jimin moved with his eyes as he starred at the owner of the voice. He mentally snickered at how the woman casually judged Namjoon. But as a high class person he would want to handle it in a civilized way... well.... Infront of the guests that it.

"Well... Aunt Han, I bagged myself an exquisite sub." He answered. Jimin smiled and slowly slid his hand on Namjoon's butt giving it a squeeze. "Embarrass me and I'll punish you on this table... for everyone to see..." He quietly warned. He then slowly moved his hand that held his wine arching it around Namjoon bringing the glass on his lips. He watched the other drink the wine never breaking eye contact. He was pleased to see how Namjoon obediently obeyed him even through his gestures. He grinned approvingly as he drank till the last drop earning gasps and a few snickers from the crowd. An obedient sub indeed. He thought.

He watched Namjoon had a fit of coughs here and there as he took refuge on his neck once more. He mentally squealed in delight at how the older clutched on his expensive dress shirt. He wanted to reward him so he began to cut a piece of steak from the table picking it up with a fork and brought then to Namjoon's lips.

Jimin caught Namjoon's attention. He chuckled at how Namjoon eyed the foreign food and looked into his eyes for permission. Jimin didn't budge silently allowing Namjoon to eat it in which the latter enveloped his lips around the piece. Jimin's breathe hitched and actually imagined Namjoon wrapping his lips around something bigger.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now