Chapter 20

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"Nothing?!" I yelled in dismay at my two men who have failed to find Teahyung. I should have known better than to let him use me like this. Not only that I've lost my home, but I also lost Namjoon. I sighed and sat down on the edge of Jungkook's bed and listen to the kid's heart monitor beeping. From the last incident, he lost so much blood that I had to bring him to a hospital and keep the press from buzzing all over the place. It's been approximately 2 weeks when Taehyung escaped.

"Can't find him huh?"

I turned to look at Jungkook smirking at me. I chuckled and shook my head. I wanted to find the doctor and tell them he's awake but Jungkook held my wrist and shook his head no.

"I need to tell you something.." He started.

"Well I have something to say too. You're boy just tried to kill me! Took Namjoon off and destroyed my home. Do you have any idea what the fuck just happened?" My voice started to get louder and louder as the words just started running out of my mouth.

Jungkoook sighed shook his head. "Taehyung made me drink something that made me rape Yoongi. So now, Yoongi broke the contract and is basically a red fucking flag."

"I mean-.. Where did he get those firepower? A typical gang can't purchase that.. I mean with what money?!" I sighed in disbelief.

"My hunch is.. Taehyung set us up. He was going to kill you, hyung.." Jungkook said as he tried to sit up slightly. "Taehyung has just gone rogue and don't mean business-office rogue. He's been playing us in the beginning and you were soooo hung up on him that you just walked right into it."

"Oh what so it's my fault?!"

"You already have a Namjoon and there you go chasing a Taehyung.. Classic!"

"You should have just stuck to one person and instead you whored around. I mean you made Namjoon stick by your side just because he broke a statue that I made and tricked him to thinking that it was worth millions!" He winced when he was already shouting at me.

"Yeah well what about you? Don't act like you're a saint because you've been toying Yoongi as well. Made him be your sex maid-

"Sounds like a porno"

"Let me finish!" I smacked his head a little in which he returned a wince. "I let you finish so let me! And as I was saying, He's the leader of his gang, you've tarnished the man's dignity and then raped him and let him off!"

"Hyung! If I had a gun in my hand right now, I would have been pointing it to your head."

"But you wouldn't have the balls to pull the damn trigger!"

"That's right!" He yelled and uttered the same words in a calm manner. "Which is why we need to fix this!"

I sighed in defeat and reached for the hot mug of chocolate drink on the bedside table that was supposed to be for Jungkook. I glanced at him only to see him glaring at him before chugging it down.

"I don't understand why Taehyung would do such a thing?"

"Yeah well, hyung, Taehyung always wanted to be on the spotlight.. What I don't understand is.. How is he doing all this? With what we resource. We supply him and he's basically the face."

"And since he fucked up the last business we haven't supplied him ever since." I continued.

"What if this is more than just him.. what if we are missing the bigger picture? The question is who the fuck?"

I groaned and ran my hands all over my face. "Okay.. Regroup. You stay here and get better and I .. Well.. Need-" I nervously scratched my temples. "he he.." my voice waivered.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now