Chapter 21

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I gulped nervously as I starred Hoseok in the eye and held my breathe he had a dagger gently scraping on my neck. He has those eyes that scare the fuck out of me especially the first time I saw it. It was a few days ago when they brought someone here in this house and into the interrogation room. You could hear the man begging Yoongi to stop, I find it out kind of okay since he tried to hide it from me; thought I was asleep. He apologized and did his best to lead me back to my room but before that, I caught a glimpse of Hoseok's face sinister face as he dragged the bloodied man out of the interrogation room. He was smiling at the weak man wildly as he dragged him by the foot and he had those eyes that sparkled with enthusiasm as he was ready to do more harm to him... He has that look right now.

"I just turned around for a second and there you were snooping around my business. I knew you never liked me very much, Joon but don't worry the feeling is quite mutual actually." Hoseok said getting rid of all that fake loving façade he had on display for Yoongi hyung.. A fraud.

"So you schemed the whole thing with Taehyung.. Does hyung even know?" I grunted after saying those words as he punched me hard on the gut. I kneeled and winced from the pain. I wanted to hug my stomach but my hands were tied behind my back.

"Oh, Joon. I did this all for my Yoonie." He chuckled darkly and shook his head. "I had him first and it's about time he'd be mine for a lifetime. I'll be enjoying breaking him piece by piece until there's nothing left and all he could do is run to my arms knowing that only I could help him." He smiled.

"He's not YOURS!" I yelled. He kicked me under my chin that sent me backward and hurting my arms in the process. I whimpered when he grabbed me by the hair to make me face him.

"Oh no, Joonie boy, he's already mine. So here's the deal, play nice. Don't be a tattletale and no harm will come to anyone. And by anyone I mean, you, Yoongi and your precious Jimin." He glanced on the collar that I still had on me. "Besides.. I don't think Jimin would like me sending this exquisite collar back to him filled with blood.. oh no.. not yet. I still have plans for both of you." He said. I gasped when he slammed my head on the wall and laughed. He paused when he heard the front door open. He quickly cut the ropes, freeing me, and stepped on my chess. "Play nice. Okay, Joon?"

"Seokie?! Joonie?! I'm back!" Yoongi's voice rang across the hall. Hoseok smiled and turned his back on me, probably to find him.

I cursed and held in my sobs and quickly got up to close the door and locked it. I didn't want to see them both. I couldn't I've never felt this weak for a while now. I scurried towards my bed and hugged my pillow so tight. How did it come to this? I was just an ordinary guy trying to survive and now.. I'm caught up in this.

"Joonie?" Yoongi knocked on the door. I sat up and bit my lips as he called my name behind the door. I want to tell him so badly but thinking that Hoseok is right beside him, I have no idea what he's capable of doing not only to my hyung but to Jimin as well.

I silently cried and cupped the collar that Jimin gave me. I'm such an idiot, closing my eyes as I recalled the night the Black Tiger gang raided Jimin's home. Blinded by my frustration and jealousy I chose Yoongi-hyung. I buried my face on my pillow and cried harder as I remember the look on Jimin's face when I reached out for Yoongi-hyung's hand. The hurt and sadness etched on his face. It stung my heart.. so bad.

I couldn't recall falling asleep last night so as soon as I opened my eyes they felt heavy..

"great.." I muttered and rubbed my eyes. I sat up and stared out the window. I need to get out of here and warn Yoongi-hyung somehow. I don't want Hoseok to succeed in his plans. And with a heavy sigh, I got up and started my routine.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now