Chapter 9

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I groaned in my sleep and tried to turn. I gasped silently when I felt something painful and heavy linked to my wrists. I sighed and shook the feeling off and tried to turn once more only to have my body pushed down forcing me to lay down on my stomach. I gasped and opened my eyes in shock and I came face to face with a red silky sheets instead of the white ones. Turned my gaze down and I see a few muscles that I knew weren't mine so I followed the trail of it until I came face to face with the devil himself : PARK JIMIN.

"Welcome back Jim- MASTER" I bit my lips as I almost said his real name. He looked at me with such a cold hard stare. I chewed my lips and furrowed my brows in confusion when I came to realize... Why was it so dark?

I took my time to let my eyes travel from the black walls until I gasped when I saw the different kinds of sex toys in front of me and that are beside Jimin seeing that I am on the man's lap. I gulped audibly and widened my eyes and saw that my wrists were cuffed together with red matte handcuffs. I squealed when I felt a hand kneed my ass cheeks.

"So I take it you have done a very good research on this kind of lifestyle huh?" He said with a gentle tone with a hint of dread into it.

I dared lift my head only to drop them back down in submission. I'm guessing that this is the playroom. I chewed on my lip and remembered precisely why subs were taken to the playroom it is either for pleasure or for punishment but I know that I am sure that they are taken here to practice the lifestyle in much more.... Intimate level.

I whimpered when Jimin yanked my hair back making me face him. My breathe hitched and my heart hammered against my chest with fear, excitement, and nervousness. I let out a shaky breathe and my eyes starred into his silver orbs. His contact lenses were still there but it didn't hide the fact that his eyes were filled with anger and lust that sent shivers down my spine.

"So.... What do you have to say for yourself?" he asked. It was as if he was scolding a child. I whimpered a little and shivered at the tone of his voice. It was so dominant that affects my whole system making me give in.

"I'm sorry, master...." I said and moaned out in pain as he pulled my hair back harsher and exposed my neck to him. I had some tears forming at the corner of my eyes but I refuse to let them fall while I still have my pride in me.

"Your first punishment would be spanking... Now kitten, what have you done wrong?" He whispered against my ear. His tongue grazed against the shell of my ear and used his teeth to tug on it demanding an answer.

"I-I-I broke a r-rule... and that is ... to not touch myself without permission..." I answered and squirmed a little feeling myself hardened against his lap. To be naked in front of him is humiliating already... double it by having myself in this position.

"That's right kitten... So... "he whispered and pulled away. Just when I thought I could catch my breath I yelped when his hand strike my right ass cheek. "15 spanks... so start counting... or else I will double it kitten... be grateful that I'm only using my hands."

I let out a shaky breath and started counting. "one..." I began. And soon I became a sobbing mess as I stuttered out the number of spank I've gotten. It was like the higher the number goes the more intense and painful it gets for me. "NINE. TEN. ELEVEN. TWELVE." I gasped when I accidentally came on master's lap. I widened my eyes at the sudden realization.... I broke another damn rule... right. Infront. Of him.

I yelped when he yanked me by the never-coming-off collar and thrown back on the bed as my back hit the soft silky red sheets. I sniffed and tried to back away as my back hit the headboard. My lips quivered and my eyes widened seeing Jimin crawl towards me with eyes that pierced through my soul. I... I've never felt so.... Scared...

I screamed when he pulled me against him by my legs as he positioned himself in between them. He grabbed both of my thighs and spread them apart using what I suppose is a damn leg spreader. I shuddered in fear as he attached the leather to my thighs and had the metal rod keeping me from closing or hiding myself from him.


"Shut up!" He yelled at me making me shut up in an instant. I bit my lips and stayed still. I could only watch him hook the cuffs above my head and link it to the headboard. I whimpered pathetically and held back my sobs when I saw him grab a familiar looking item... the freaking cock ring. "Please no..." I pleaded.

"Quiet! Unless you want me to worsen the situation than it already had..." He warned. He then slipped the cock ring to my throbbing dick and leaned back to stare at me. I swear my heart skipped a beat when I watch his tongue swipe over those sinful lips. I visibly gulped and let out a shaky breath and turned my head to the side not wanting to see his face. I gasped when he grabbed my chin forcing me to face him and slammed his lips on to mine. I moaned when his hands brushed against my thighs up and down. He used this opportunity to slide his tongue in my mouth. I can't deny him... Just as much as I hate him... I can't find in myself to deny the fact that I turned on in the slightest actions of his.

My screams were muffled in his mouth when I felt him push himself in me. I arched my back and tugged on my wrists and struggled under him. I could feel myself tear up. I'm not sure if it was from the pain or from the fact that Jimin's touches were more.... Scarier than the first. His touches trailed off a burning feeling.

My eyes twitched as he rammed his full length in me and pulled back letting a string of saliva connect our lips. I looked at him with hooded gaze as my judgements were clouded so instead of screaming at him my body moved on its accord and leaned in for more. I groaned when I get pulled back by the cuffs. I averted my eyes to the side trying to see the mess that I made and Jimin himself. I let out a silent cry when he began to thrust in and out of me with brute force. The bed creaked back and forth.

"Jimin!" and "master" were the names that I kept screaming over and over alternately. I felt myself closer to my climax but I can't not with the damn cock ring on. "Master!! Please!!" I pleaded as he continued to enrapture my body abusing the delicate flesh in which I am sure that he added new bruises as if a painter doing his magic on a canvas. "Master!!! Please let me come!!!" I pleaded more and more but it was as if I'm having a complete nightmare where no one hears my voice. "Aaaaahhhh!!!" I screamed out. I'm not sure if it was because of the pain or how horrible my cock looked like right now.

I groaned and kept my eyes shut as I gasped and held my breathe feeling his hot essence fill me up. I forced myself to look at him with tears falling down across my face pleading him silently to take of the item but to my dismay... He only stares at me with eyes filled with satisfaction, amusement and lust. He pulls out only to push a butt plug in me trapping his cum in my hot cavern. I whimpered when he slapped my ass causing the fluid to slosh in me. I shuddered in disgust and watched him get up fixing his pants taking off the leg spreader tossing it aside. He ran his fingers through his hair. I heard him faintly say 'reflect' before leaving me alone in the room. I waited all night for him but who was I kidding... he never came back to check up on me.... He left me alone letting my inner demons eat me to sleep.

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

There is a reason why I tagged this book under angst... and before you think Jimin is a jerk and all... This is Namjoon's punishment... stick around as the book uncovers itself... 


Yoonkook shippers... You ready?

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