Chapter 6

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I groaned and my eyes fluttered open adjusting to the lights that were seeping through the windows. I looked down to see a muscular arm wrapped around my torso... and soon all the memories from yesterday came flooding through my system. I didn't dare to turn around and face him so instead. I slowly pulled off his arm, so I could get off the bed. I gently placed it on his sighed still refusing to look at him. I nodded to myself and quietly stood up from the bed. When I was about to tiptoe my way to the door I got pulled down on the bed roughly causing me to whimper. I kept my eyes closed when I felt him pin my wrists above my head.

"What? You think you can escape??" Jimin harshly asked me a question making me snap my eyes open meeting his angry ones.

"I just wanted to go to the bathroom."

"LIAR!!!" He yelled making me whimper pathetically

"But it's true!!" I defended. I really do need to go to the bathroom and pee. "You can even come with me if you want!" I gasped when the words flew out of my mouth. I averted my eyes and bit my inner cheek. That really came out wrong. Knowing that Jimin misunderstood me, he snickered and I felt him dip his head to where my neck and shoulder met inhaling my scent causing me to shiver. 'Stop!' I told my hormones praying that it would calm the fuck down.

"What a slut... Seducing me first thing in the morning." He chuckled swiping his tongue all over my collarbone.

"I really need to fucking pee!!!" I said with a louder voice this time. I groaned when I felt him sink his teeth on my collarbone making me squirm but his other hand held my hips down keeping me in place.

"Is that how you should talk to me?" I watched him lean back to stare his dark eyes into my mine making me nervously gulp.

"I just... let me pee.." I whined.

"Sure... Only if you beg.." He smirked as he challenged me.

"Are you fucking serious?!?!" I screamed. I gasped shortly when I felt his hand squeeze my balls.

"I'm going to let your cursing slide this time... and yes I am serious."

I closed my eyes and sighed. I curled my toes when I felt myself that I am almost due. I groaned through my gritted teeth. I slowly opened my eyes to meet his anticipating ones that were filled with amusement. I bit my lips and starred at his lips not daring to see his reaction.


I wasted no time and bolted to the nearest door as soon as he released his grip. Thankfully, I found the bathroom. I lifted my hoodie and brought the hem of it to my lips and peed. I moaned in relief at releasing all of that urine that I didn't even hear the door open.

"Such a sight..." I turned my head to towards the voice and saw Jimin smirking as he leaned on the doorframe with his arms crossed over his naked chest. I blushed when my eyes traveled from his naked torso down to his junk. I whipped my head back to the toilet and focused on cleaning myself. I chewed on the fabric some more and thought 'How the fuck di that monstrous thing fit in me?'

"You know..." His voice cut through my thoughts and felt him walk up to me sliding his hand across my tummy. I closed my hands shakily as I stood there starring horridly at the hand that was dangerously close to my expose shaft. "You promised me that I'd have my fun today, baby boy..." He purred in my ear. I dug my nails into my palms preventing myself shiver from the way his hot breath hit my sensitive ears.

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