Chapter 16

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Park Jimin (POV)

"Give me some good news." I groaned and rubbed my temples as I took in a deep breath.

"I'm perfectly handling the situation..." Jungkook says as he sips his cup of tea. I so wanted to punch his smug shitty face right now if only I had the energy to do it, oh I would.

"Handling as to how??" I dragged out and finally look at him dead in the eyes seeing that I haven't realized that I had them closed all this time.

"His best friend is cooperating with me."

I leaned back in disbelief. In all of the years I've known Kook, he's never shown this much interest and give so much effort for this. I'm just wondering when he'd get bored of this Yoongi, not like Jungkook is a man of commitment. He fucks and go. I wonder how long will this last.

"Why are laughing?"

My thoughts came to a halt by his question. I smiled and shook my head.

"okay let's put this aside. We need to discuss the Black Tiger Gang... Any leads?" I asked as I brought up my cup of coffee to my lips. I starred out the window and admired the busy streets of Seoul from the inside of a local coffee shop. Local, but with exquisite taste.

"No need to worry, I said."

"You're not sharing Kook. That violates our business contract of being transparent with each other and crossing the line of our entitled friendship... Now do spill it or I'll have to spill your whole teapot on your damned face."

"Yoongi is the Alpha."

I blinked a couple of times before smiling. That squishy little guy is the big bad alpha. Who would have known. Taehyung was actually right.


"And he's on the palm of my hands. To be specific in my room." Jungkook cleared his throat and placed down his cup and pressed his lips into a thin line. His eyes strained on the table as his cheeks were puffing out. Guilty bunny.

"you said, you don't roll that way."

"Hyung, I know what I said...." He sighed and scratched his head. "He passed out." He blushed and began to fidget with his fingers. Jungkook may be given the title as being a playboy millionaire but really, he's just a kid. I remember the time when my father took him under his wing and immediately became my best friend. We were brothers, it may not be by blood but it didn't have to be.

"Well.... Rabbits go hard anyway so it's expected." I chuckled only to receive a glare from this bunny boy.


Kim Namjoon's (POV)

It's been a few days since my punishment had taken place for wanting to know who that man was. It's still bothering me however, as Jimin had promised, he's supporting my education. He wanted me to transfer to a different school but I begged him not to because I didn't want to waste my current university's efforts on me and my own. I also wanted to see Yoongi but I strangely I haven't seen him anywhere. I hope he's doing okay.

I thanked the librarian seeing that she's a friend as I went to my favorite spot in the library to study. I've missed a month of classes so I have so much stuff to follow up. The professors know very well that I don't make lots of friends and they understood that so they had spared me lecture materials that I could go with and gave me pointers to review especially when the exams are coming up. It's a good thing that I've studied some of it in advance during my free time (the times when I keep looking for a new gig or job to get myself by).

I then sat on my spot and began to lay out the books and lecture materials for me to study on. I stare at the clock and nodded to myself as it is 3 in the afternoon. Jimin had told me that he'll pick me up by 7 so I got plenty of time to study.


"Joonie..." I hear someone call my name and shook me. It must be Sue, the Librarian.

"Ms. Sue, I'll lock the door don't you worry. I still have the keys. I didn't lose them this time..." I murmured and rubbed my face trying to get comfortable.

"Namjoon.... It's me, your Master."

"master?" I giggled with my eyes still closed and my lower lip jutting out. Master Jimin. Yum.

"I know I'm delicious hun.. But you got to wake up now..." I hummed and continued to ignore the voice. I could feel myself drifting off to a dream until I felt myself move from my position only to hit something hard on my back.

I then yelped as I felt two strong hands grip my thighs apart. I tried to push those hands away but with my eyes still closed, I'm weak especially when sleepy. I should be panicking right now but surprisingly aren't so I'm not quite sure where that leads me.

"If you don't wake up now..." He whispered in my ear. I'll just have to fuck you here on this table inside the library and make you cum all over the pages of your book so when you get to read them, you'll be reminded of the dirty thing we did to corrupt such things..." My breath hitched as soon as I felt that all too familiar tongue on my ear making my eyes slowly open.

I bit my lips as I was greeted by such a hot looking Park Jimin with his disheveled hair and lose tie. He looked so sinful.

"Close your mouth babe, unless you want me to shove up something in that pretty mouth of yours."

I closed my mouth and gulped not realizing that my mouth was actually hanging. I yelped and started to gather my things and shoved them in my bag. I tried to calm the beating of this damned heart as I walked quickly towards him. I sighed and noticed the time that it was already 8 o'clock and then I suddenly feel bad towards him for oversleeping.

"You were too cute to disturb so I slept next to you...." I widened my eyes at that. Wow. Now I suddenly feel terribly twice as bad.

I stayed in his car and waited for him to lock up the library as he had insisted on doing so. I gasped when I saw a familiar looking yellow green note. I tried my best to hold back the tears as I read Yoongi hyung's familiar hand writing telling me to not overwork myself too much. I remember when he gave me this, I fell asleep in the library again and woke up with a bottle of strawberry yogurt milk right in front of me with this note. I immediately smiled and went home only to find my room filled with snacks, ryan plushies, and a banner saying 'Joon's the Best from Min Yoongi Genius'.

"what are you reading?" I screamed at the sudden question and held the note close to my chest.

"who's that from?"

".... From my hyung..." I said in a small voice and looked at the note once more.

"would you like to know a secret?"

I looked at him curiously.

"I know where he is... "

A U T H O R ' S N O T E :

Stay safe guys! I hope you all enjoyed this short filler. I hope and pray that you are all well and safe. Thank you so much for the 58k reads!!! Love you all my lovelies and keep safe!!!

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