Chapter 17

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I groaned as I blinked my eyes; I could feel myself waking up. I starred at the ceiling that I'm not exactly all too familiar with. I closed my eyes and I see some flashes of memories from last night. I bit my lips as I tried to get up with my eyes shut. I released a shaky breath and starred down at the messy sheets. I slowly took in my surroundings and found myself in what was presumed to be my room if 'I'd like to sleep in for the night'. I didn't though. I never wanted to stay. I lifted the sheets covering half of my body and cursed seeing that I'm still naked. From the somewhat dim lit room I noticed the sun going down. It's almost evening.

I slowly got up from the bed and made my way to the bathroom and I gasped at my reflection. I brought my hand to cover my mouth and let out an inaudible cry as I saw how much he had tainted me. I starred at this unknown person crying with me. I'm not exactly sure who this was or how he came to be, but he looks so used and broken. All for what? For a person he his best to protect but taken from him. Is this what they call a leader? What a disgrace.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and took a bath, letting the cold water hit my back with my hands pressed on the cool tiled walled. I screamed one more time before collecting myself once more and began washing my flawless porcelain skin now painted with red purple marks. As soon as I turned off the shower I grabbed the towel and dried myself off. I sighed and put on my clothes and grabbed my phone and saw 50 missed called from my right-hand man. How did I miss that? I was knocked out.

I slipped it in my pocket before getting out of this mansion. I stumbled upon a few maids on my way out of my room. I was curious if Jungkook was around. I'm not concerned just curious. So I first went in his office room only to find no one so I went in his forbidden room (AKA Bedroom). I widened my eyes at the sight of a sleeping Jungkook.... And 3 other girls on the bed naked with him.

I grinded my teeth and closed the door. I shouldn't have let my curiosity get the best from me. I bit my lips hard as I felt another tear rolling down my face. Upon stepping out of the mansion I bumped to one of his damned security guards.

"Hey! You should report to the boss when leaving!" He shouted as I kept walking away.


I then quickened my pace and ran to the nearest bus station. I sighed one more time before grabbing a stick from my pack of cigarettes and lit it up. I don't like getting attached like this. This is why I don't involve myself from romantic relationships. It's goddam scary. And with Jeon Jungkook? It could end up in a disaster.

I let my feet lead me to where I run the Black Tigers. Shit. The gang. I inhaled deeply before pushing the entrance doors and letting myself in. They all greeted me and I gave them a nod. We are composed of almost a thousand members and still counting. I've started this gang since high school with only 6 members and the numbers grew as we fought our way to the top, defeating every single ranked gang in the streats.... In the city. Until we became the kings of Seoul. And in this pack I am alpha.

I went in my office room and threw myself on my swiveling chair. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I smiled as I felt two hands rubbing my shoulders.

"Someone's very tensed." The voice teased.

"I'm tired."

"Yeah no shit." I felt the chair turn. I opened my eyes and greeted by the brightest sun in an evening setting. "I've been calling you all day..."

"I know"

"Care to share?"

I sighed and jutted my lip forwards and shrugged. I watch him sigh and swing his legs simultaneously as he had seated himself on the edge of my desk. I have a very childish right-hand man but believe me when I tell you that his loyalty is with me since the very beginning.

Debts to Pay {MINJOON} | BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now