16. study date

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"Bye, mom!" I shout from the door as I hurry down the porch steps with my backpack bouncing against my sore back from soccer.

I had told my family I had to study with Khloe instead of telling them I was actually with Greyson. I loathed lying to them especially Asher and it left a sour feeling in my stomach. The sour feeling is immediately replaced by bubbling nerves once I spot Greyson's conspicuous Audi parked in front of my neighbor's house. An unknown smile forms on my lips as soon as I swing the car door open and am met with a white-toothed perfect grin.

"Hi," I breathe, feeling a warmth spread to my cheeks.

Greyson still has the ability to take my breath away. He is wearing a simple black Nike hoodie with grey shorts. The contrast between his eyes and the black hood is striking. Little pieces of his hair are framing his forehead and my fingers itch to run through the tantalizing curls.

"Hurry up and get in we don't have all night," Greyson teases earning an eye roll from me.

I shut the car door and buckle up as Greyson puts the car in drive. The comfortable silence engulfs the car space as well as a tension I couldn't decipher. The drive is short and before I know it we are pulling into the familiar Leblanc residence. Greyson puts the car in park and that is when I realize how nervous he appears. He's rubbing his hands that appear to be sweaty against his pants and his stormy eyes are frantically darting everywhere but at me.

"I told them we were just studying but Steph thought otherwise and I'm sorry for the forced dinner we are most likely going to have," Greyson babbles out all at once.

"Greyson!" I stop him, waiting for his eyes to meet mine. "It's totally fine I really do not care and frankly I am starving."

"It's just-" He begins, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Come on you weirdo," I sigh opening the car door and hoping he follows my lead.

I hear his door slam shut and Greyson's heavy footsteps jogging next to me. His hand brushes against mine as we reach the front door and electricity shoots up my whole arm leaving my body tingling. Reflexively I move my hand away abruptly confused at the reaction and Greyson's odd behavior. I hear him take in a deep breath before opening the wooden door. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze understanding that letting someone into his life like this is a huge deal for him.


Barley both feet in the house and I am hit with a small force hugging my legs. Looking down I am met with a smiling Sophie with her hair in messy ponytails and a lopsided tiara to complete the hairdo.

"Hi Sophie," I giggle bending down to give her a proper hug.

"Well hi to you too. I see how it is now," Greyson huffs with a twinkle in his light eyes.

Sophie releases me from our hug and stumbles over to Greyson who picks her up and spins her around. The young girl's fits of giggles are infectious and I feel a soft smile tugging at my lips watching Greyson in pure bliss. I take my backpack off and set it down by the door my eyes never leaving Greyson's smile.

"You must be Adeline," A soft voice says.

I turn around to find a curly redhead middle-aged woman smiling at me. Glasses frame her eyes, and she is wearing a simple blue sweater to compliment her pale skin. I concluded quickly that she must be Steph.

"Yes and you must be Steph," I respond, mimicking her welcoming smile.

"Well, it's so nice to finally meet you. I mean between Sophie and Greyson I don't know which one talked about you more," She discloses as she pins her hair back into a messy bun, the action reminding me of my own mother.

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