4. monday sucks

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I hate Mondays.

Today being the end of summer and a start to the school year did not help my distaste for the day. In my last week of summer, I spent all my time hanging out with Georgia and her brother Calum. Asher and Calum have gotten really close as did Georgia and me.

"Ugh," I dramatically groan as I roll out of bed and plant my feet on the cold hardwood floor.

I hear my phone vibrating against my nightstand and I quickly go grab it throwing a couple of curses along the way.

"Hello?" I yawn, picking up the phone.

"ADDIE!" Georgia screams through the phone and I pull it away from my ear immediately.

"Georgia it's a Monday morning. I just woke up, "I said groggily. 

"But it's your first day of school Ads!" she exclaims.

"Technically my first day of school was Pre-K."

"Shut your sarcastic ass up!"

"So why are you chipper on a Monday? And I swear if you say it's because it's my first day of school I will kill you." I warn as I trudge to my bathroom to begin my morning routine.

"First off, it's our junior year, and secondly I'm friends with the new girl!"

"I'm not looking forward to the attention that's going to bring," I scowled.

Today the Kavanaugh siblings will be the gossip buzz of Clearwater High and to say I wasn't looking forward to it was an understatement. The thought of the attention made my skin crawl and I could already feel my rosy cheeks beginning to blush from the awkward cliche introductions at the start of every classroom I step foot in today.

"Cheer up Ads."

"It' Monday Georgia," I deadpanned.

"Okay? And?"

"Red sundress with my vans or sandals?" I ask ignoring her question as I struggle to figure out what to wear.

"Hmmm. Definitely the white vans," she decides.

I slip off my pajamas and switch Georgia to speaker mode as I change into my flowy red sundress that complimented my body perfectly. The dress fit me like a glove and I loved it. I slipped on my vans and began tying them.

"So meet me by my brother's car?" Georgia asks me, reviewing the plan we made for the first day of school the other day.

"Yeah. Also, tell your bother he left his hoodie over here and Ash will bring it to him when we meet up with you guys," I inform her remembering my mom telling me to let Calum know she found his hoodie in our dryer last night. She mistakingly thought it was one of my brothers and washed it.

"Okay honey! I'll see you at school!"

"Bye Georgia."

I hang my phone up and grab my backpack filled with all my essential school supplies along with my soccer bag as I slip out of my room and descend down the stairs. A whiff of bacon greets me when I enter the kitchen.

"Smells good," I sniff taking a set next to Liam at the counter.

All three of my brothers look dead. Will's black hair is sticking up in weird places and he has his face placed in his hands. Asher looks kind of presentable but he's somehow sitting up straight with his eyes closed. Liam looks the most alive out of all of them if it weren't for the fact he was chugging coffee down his throat every second.

"Here ya go kiddo," my dad said as he places a plate full of scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast in front of me.

"Thanks," I smile.

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