6. sorta friends

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My official second day at Clearwater High did not start as well as I thought. To start, if it weren't for Asher waking me up I would've been late to school because I slept through my three alarms. I threw on random clothes that were easily accessible in my closet and I was kind of surprised they matched. I was wearing a white cropped champion t-shirt, black Off-White leggings, and my white Yeezys. I had quickly braided my hair during the car ride and didn't even bother to wear makeup. In my first-period class, I was 15 minutes late because I went to the wrong room and then couldn't find the correct one until I asked a random student walking in the hallway who kindly pointed me in the right direction. In my second-period class, my math teacher Mr.Bower spent a whole 20 minutes talking about my dad and was freaking out because he was my dad's "biggest fan". Every person I sat next to said, "OMG your Chris Kavanaugh's daughter!" they were all beginning to sound like a broken damn record.

Now walking into Psych class I was in the worst mood. I figured out throughout the day that if I put my headphones in and keep my head down no one would ask me about my dad. When I go to my spot I sat in yesterday I recall Ms.Vincent informing us that we would have assigned seats the next class and there would be a notecard with our name on them. I walk around the room until I find my notecard at a table in the back. I take a seat and throw my bag down beside me. Once I finish taking out all my supplies I somehow manage to zone out while listening to one of my random playlists.

Out of nowhere someone plucks the right earbud out of my ear. I jump in my seat startled to spot no one else but Greyson Leblanc.

"Really Love? Frank Ocean?" he smirks causing his smile lines to crinkle.

"Of course you have this assigned seat," I mutter, rolling my eyes.

"I thought we agreed to try friends?" he beams, flashing me a perfect smile.

"Key word try."

"A bad mood and we are listening to Frank Ocean? Who got your panties in a twist?"

"No one," I grumble.

"So your not wearing any panties," he whispers and I watch his pupils fully dilate while his jaw clenches.

"Get your mind out of the gutter Leblanc!" I scolded slapping him lightly on his bicep.

"I mean I would know."

"Excuse me?" I scoff.

"I mean based on the rumors we fucked," he shrugs nonchalantly.

"You wish," I grunted as the bell rang signifying the start of class.

"Oh you have no idea," he breathed allowing for his eyes to trail down my body.

During our conversation, Greyson somehow was able to lean in closer and closer to me. Now our legs were touching and the heat that intensified up my body from this mere physical contact was insane.

"You know I thought we were trying to be friends as you so put it before. I don't think this is what friends say to each other," I gulped feeling the air thicken around us.

"Key word love, trying," he mimicked my comment before.

"Miss Kavanaugh and Mr. Leblanc!" Ms. Vincent shouts causing me to jump in my seat, moving my leg away from Greyson's. "Do you two care to share with the class what is so important that you two are chatting about."

"I'm sorry-" I begin.

"Actually Ms.Vincent," Greyson interrupts me. "I was supposed to give Adeline here a tour of the school but I lost the pass. Is it okay if we leave without one?"

"Oh of course! Next time just let me know before Greyson."

I feel like my eyes are going to pop out of my head from Ms. Vincent's complete change in mood. She went from psycho teacher mode to calm cool and collected I love Greyson mode. I recall Georgia telling me the first time we hung out that Greyson was basically worshipped at Clearwater High and he could get away with anything.

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