18. fuck me

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Getting ready for bed I can't stop thinking about tonight with Greyson. The remnants of his kisses left tingles all over my body as I ravished in the memory of his hunger filled eyes. I'm pulling a hoodie over my head when I hear a soft knocking on my door.

"Come in!" I holler.

Asher slips through my door with a hurt expression on his features. I plop on my bed and motion for him to sit next to me. When he walks over to me I observe his eyes are looking at anything but at me.

"Asher is everything all-" I begin to ask gaping at my brother.

"I saw something tonight," Asher blurts out looking up at me through his long eyelashes.

"What?" I stutter, swallowing the pit in my throat.

I couldn't help but recall the window I thought I saw someone at as I left Greyson's car. There is no way he saw me all the way up from there. That's impossible and the windows are most likely tinted in Greyson's car. There is no way. There is no way, I kept on repeating in my head.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Asher whispers.

"What are you talking about?" I splutter as my heart pounds against my chest and the palms of my hands accumulate pools of sweat.

"I saw you, Addie, with Greyson," Asher confesses.

I'm stunned motionless. This can not be happening. No, I should've had more time with Greyson. I was supposed to have until Sunday when the week would've been over and I would tell him we couldn't continue. I needed more time.

"I don't know what you're talking about Ash," I sputter, shaking my head.

"Adeline, I suspected something was going on between you two. I'm your brother and your first best friend did you expect me not to find out," Asher exploded causing me to flinch.

"No it's just-" I argue back.

"Then why didn't you tell me!"Asher demands.

"Because of the rule Asher! Because of you, Will, and Liams stupid ass fucking rule! And for once I didn't mean to like the asshole teammate of yours but it just happened and every minute I spend with him the harder it is for me to stop having these weird feelings for him!" I babbled, breathing heavily.

"Well stop having those feelings, Addie! He is an asshole fuck boy!" Asher rages, getting up from the bed and pacing my room.

"Don't you understand? I can't stop having feelings for him!" I seethe, my face fuming with rage.

"Well, why not?" He scoffs.

"Because it's different with him! At first, he was this big jumble of mysteries, and the more I talked to him and the more I got to know him I started to get excited every time one of those tiny secrets would be solved. Every time I'm with him alone, Greyson is different. And I know to everyone else he is this fuck boy asshole who hates the world and everyone else but with me, all he sees is me. For once, someone just sees me and is focused on me. When I'm with him I never know what is going to happen and I crave that."

I'm left heaving at my confession to Asher, startled that all of my unknown suppressed thoughts on Greyson slipped out of my mouth with ease.

"I'm in too deep, Ash and I'm scared. I'm so scared," I let out a laugh. "Because I know I will have to stop what's going on with him but the thought of not seeing him, that breaks me."

I look up at Asher's bewildered face hesitating before saying, "I'm practically an addict at this point."

Asher lets out a deep sigh, running his hands in his curly brown locks before walking over to me and wrapping his arms around my body. I close my eyes and tighten my grip around him letting the secret that has been weighing down on me leave my shoulders.

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