8. the rule

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"No way I was so close to stopping you guys!" Asher shouts slamming his fist on the table which causes all of our plates to clatter.

We had just finished eating our meal at the Hob and the boys were arguing about there fighting abilities. This was my first time at the Hob and it is cute. I could tell that it was a high school hangout place right away once I recognized a few kids from school chilling by the pool tables. The Hob pretty much had everything; coffee shop, diner, lounge, and arcade.

"Are you going to eat those?" Greyson snaps me back to reality.


"Your fries," he points down at my plate to a few uneaten burnt fries.

"Ew, you like burnt fries?" I say scrunching up my nose as I shove my plate across the table towards him.

"Your the weirdo in this situation, not me," Greyson obliges as he stuffs his mouth with the rest of my fries.

"Hot," I sarcastically say as he tries to chew with a full mouth.

"Addie wanna play some pool with us," Calum asks rising from the booth.

"Sure who's playing?"

"Me and Leblanc vs. you and Khloe."

"What about-"

I am about to ask what about Georgia and Asher when Khloe slams her hand over my mouth.

"We would love to! Let's go, Addie," She beams brightly ushering me away from the table.

"What was that for?" I ask pushing her hand off of my mouth.

"I came up with the idea. I wanna see what will happen if your brother and Georgia are left alone," she says under her breath.

"Omg! You see the chemistry too!" I whisper yell back.


"Okay ladies let's get this over with," Greyson teases grabbing us all pool sticks.

"We will probably win this game in five minutes tops," Calum continues the teasing.

"We will see about that," I smirk sizing Greyson up with my eyes.

"My money is on Bradshaw and Kavanaugh," Luke chimes in appearing out of thin air.

"Where did you go? You said you were going to the bathroom like 20 minutes ago," Khloe wondered pointing her stick at his chest.

"Yeah, I happened to run into good ol Sadie," Luke purred rubbing his hands together.

I don't think the only exercise good ol Sadie had was running into Luke.

"Oh gross!" Khloe squeals.

"My man!" The boys cheer slapping him on the back.

"Let's just play," I butt in.

"I mean you're going to lose anyway," Greyson shrugs breaking the balls.

"Whatever you say, Leblanc," I reply winking at him.

I walk right in front of him and I lean down to angle my shot. I was trying to angle the ball perfectly when Greyson's annoying voice spoke.

"Do you need me to teach you, Love? You know it would be kind of hot. It happens in movies all the time."

Without moving my position I turn my head to look at Greyson. Without even turning back around I pull back the stick and hit the cue ball. I hear my solid blue ball fall into the hole.

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