12. sneaky sneaky

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My eyes bulge out as I stand in front of a half-naked Greyson who has a tent in his swim shorts. I hurriedly grab his shirt off the floor and throw it at him which he catches briskly.

"Yeah, I'll be out in a second!" I shout back to Asher.

"Shower!" I mouth to Greyson pointing at the shower curtain.

He nods his head in understanding and slips into the small shower. I look into the mirror and comb through my wild hair with my fingers before opening the bathroom door.

"Georgia and Khloe are looking for you," Asher grumbles.

"Why are you in a mood?" I ask registering his slumped shoulders and frown.

"Its nothing."

Asher turns away from me and I trail right behind him.

"Definitely not nothing," I decide. "Did something happen between you and Georgia?"

"There is no me and Georgia!" he snaps turning to face me.

"Whatever," I scowl. "Talk to me when you're ready."

I push past Asher making sure to bump my shoulder against his. I instantly land my eyes on Khloe and Georgia walking towards me inside the house. The closer they get to me I realize that Georgia is upset and they have changed back into their normal clothes.

"Georgia what happened?" I ask concerned.

"I don't want to talk about it," she replies with no emotion walking away from us.

I turn to Khloe to give me some answers.

"She and Asher got into some argument. I honestly don't even know what about. I was hanging out with Calum and Ellie the whole time," Khloe explains shrugging her shoulders.

"Im guessing she is leaving?" I point out, our eyes traveling over to Georgia who appeared to be sifting through the car key bowl.

"Yeah shes finding my keys. She didn't want to walk home alone."

"Get her home safe Khlo," I console grabbing her hand and squeezing it.

I knew that Khloe carried a lot of empathy for her friends so seeing Georgia upset is getting to her.

"I will and we will talk to her tomorrow about everything. I think she just wants to be left alone for now," Khloe sniffled.

"See you tomorrow," I mumble watching them slip out the front door.

Not being in the mood to rejoin the party I found myself walking to my room. I open the door and jump back in shock. Laying in on bed relaxed is Greyson watching some NFL game. He had one arm above his head causing his shirt to lift a little and his chiseled stomach to appear. At the sound of the door opening fully he whipped his head to face me.

"Hey," he greets with a half-smile causing my insides to flip.

I roll my eyes as I shut my door trying to suppress my feelings. I have come to terms with the fact that I like Greyson.

"Why are you in my room may I ask," I inquire, walking into my closet and grabbing a pair of sweatpants and a random crop top.

"Because why not?" he answers from my bed.

I quickly change into my clean clothes and put my bathing suit into my dirty laundry basket. I walk out of my closet and sit on my bed next to Greyson.

"We need to talk," I insist, remembering our kiss.

"Okay," he falters, sitting up from his relaxed position.

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