11. screw bets

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"How are you blessed with the ability to never get hangovers!" Greyson exclaims wide-eyed.

We are sitting on top of the rocks at the cove eating our breakfast when the grey-eyed boy realized I didn't have any hangover symptoms. I had told Greyson it was a gift my family had for as long as I can remember.

"Oh shit! I lied! Spencer is the only one who does get hangovers," I corrected myself. "I remember one time she came home from a high school party and puked her brains out all morning!"

"Your sisters seem pretty cool," he acknowledges taking another bite out of his waffles.

"Yeah, they are," I affirmed.

"My mom always wanted a big family ya know," Greyson broke the silence.

I looked up at him to see his gaze lingering on the ocean appearing to be deep in thought.

"Maybe she should've seen how much my brothers annoy me and would've taken the big family idea right back," I tease trying to take Greyson's edge off.

"Yeah your brothers sure are intense," Greyson chuckled returning his gaze back to me. "I was wondering how many years apart you are from the twins?"

"We are a year apart and they are you could say Irish triplets with Liam. The three of us were both accidents obviously but Will and Asher had extreme heart issues when they were younger causing them to be a year behind in school. They're supposed to be in Liam's grade but are in ours," I explain.

"You think your parents would've invested in some condoms or birth control," Greyson scoffs.

"I'm pretty sure my mom has her tubes tied, thank god," I breathe ensuing a snort from Greyson.

We sat in a comfortable silence listening to the waves crash against the sand as I finished up my last bites of pancake. Huge clouds began to loom above us covering the sun as gusts of wind rippled off of the clear blue ocean. I felt as if someone is staring at me and sure enough I look over to see Greyson looking at me with an intense expression plastered on his face.

"What's your favorite color?" he blurts out tilting his head to the side.

"A lilac purple," I respond confused by his question.

Greyson apparently read the confusion on my face before quickly adding, "I want to know more about you if we are starting over as friends."

"What's your favorite color?" I asked curious to know what it is.

He hesitates before saying, "Green."

"What's your biggest fear?" he asks altering the attention away from him.

"Loving too much," I truthfully sigh.

"Loving too much?" he repeats arching his right eyebrow.

"Like um loving someone so much but them not deserving the love I give them and them deceiving me, "I stutter attempting to give some clarity.

"What about you?" I counter back.

"Losing someone I love."

I hear the break in his voice and the pain slicing his heart into two. I realize that we have both dealt with our worst fears coming true and for the first time in a while, I'm glad someone else understands.

I feel a cool water droplet fall onto my leg and then another after another.

"Have you ever danced in the rain?" I ask looking up into Greyson's eyes which replicate the storm brewing above us.

I get up and place my hand out for him to take.

"Do you trust me Grey Eyes?"

In the distance, I hear a soft hum of music coming from the cafe. I recognize the song as River by Leon Bridges; my sister Peyton's favorite song.

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