3. the knights

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A week has passed since the sudden team pool party and life in Malibu has been pretty nice. I've been waking up at nine every morning and going for runs around the neighborhood then I usually come back to a breakfast my dad has made for the whole family. After that I either go to the beach or pool and later on during the day practice soccer in the backyard. My mom sometimes comes down to the beach with me but since she got hired at a local law firm downtown she's been busy. My dad and my brothers have also been extremely busy with preparing for the upcoming season. All they do is wake up for early practices, come home, train, go over highlight clips, draw up game plans, and repeat. Somehow even during all this they still find time to annoy me. I haven't gotten lonely and tired from my own company yet but it sure would be nice to have a friend around. Asher is the only thing close to a friend I got right now and he's my damn brother.

"You suck at soccer," I huff as I have to go into the bushes to grab the ball for the tenth time.

I've been bugging Asher all day to come kick a soccer ball around with me and after my fifth time asking he finally gave into my demands. I mean all he was doing was sitting his lazy ass on the coach watching re-runs of The Office in the living room.

"That is why I quit in the third grade," Asher jested rolling his eyes in the process.

"Yeah I can see why."

I successfully grab the ball and lightly kick it over to Asher.

"So, are you going to tell me about what was going on with you and Leblanc last week?" he questioned nonchalantly, stopping the ball with his left foot.

"Grey?" I knew exactly who he was talking about but I was trying desperately to forget about that boy.

"Yes Grey," he dryly retorted.

"Nothing," I shrug, kicking the ball back to him.

I mean it wasn't really a lie, nothing happened between the two of us. He just somehow got past my barrier that is usually put up for all guys. Maybe it was the way he easily flowed with my teasing and jokes that allowed him to slip through without me even noticing until it was too late. Either way I decided to stay away from him. Pretty star quarterbacks like Greyson Leblanc love to mess around with girls and break their hearts. I've met many Greyson Leblancs before and they always think that they can get any girl they want. Newsflash! I'm not easy and I will not fall into his grey eye trap.

There's also the major part where I'm his coach's daughter and his team mates little sister.

"Listen Addie." Asher stops the ball and when I look up at him I see his eyes have turned a dark forest green. "Leblanc is my friend and as his friend I know what he is like. Trust me Addie when I tell you to stay away from him," he warned.

"Trust me Ash, I know," I agree, as his shoulder relaxed from there hunched up position.

"I saw the way you looked at him and I figured you'd rather have me say something to you then Liam or Will," he explains. "We both know how Will and Liam would have handled it."

"Their definition of handling would be by beating Grey to a pulp," I shuddered as I remembered all the times my overprotective brothers have threatened a guy for merely staring at me for what they considered was too long.

"Hey at least you got one reasoned minded brother."

Asher goes to kick the soccer ball at me but ends up kicking it with way too much force and the ball goes flying over my head and off the cliff.

"A reasoned minded brother who is god awful at just kicking a ball back and forth with his sister," I groan already walking over to the stairs.

"Love ya!" Asher calls out to me.

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