9. house party

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My first week at Clearwater High has gone pretty smoothly. Everyday straight after school I have soccer practice. After soccer, I will wait for an extra 20 minutes at the football field for Asher to be done so we can go home together. Usually, Asher and I will go home take showers and meet up with Calum, Georgia, Khloe, and Luke at the Hob. Since Tuesday Greyson has been MIA. In Psych class, his seat has been empty and at football practices, he never comes up to talk to me. Once my dad blows his whistle to signify the end of practice he bolts off of the field. I kind of miss his annoying pestering self. I know he is avoiding me but I just don't know why.

"Earth to Adeline!" Georgia yells straight into my ear causing me to jump.

"Sorry, what were you saying?" I apologize.

The last block of the day was English and we had a sub today. This sub was perfect too he's just sitting at Mrs.Turnover's desk on his phone doing nothing. For the whole block, Georgia and I have just been gossiping.

"I was talking about your brother. Wait now that I think about it, you should not be this cool with me talking about your brother like this," she acknowledges.

"Pshh, please. I'm just happy that my best friend and my brother who is kind of my other best friend get along. I don't care what you guys are. Just as long as you two are happy," I open up to her.

"If only you idiot brothers carried the same maturity as you Addie," she jabs.

"You're telling me, "I mumble.

"I mean for starters that stupid rule and secondly Asher who can't express how he feels."

"Oh so you're condoning me breaking the rule," I smirk as I wiggle my eyebrows.

"Oh no! Not if Greyson is involved," she clarifies, playfully slapping me on my arm.

"Greyson is trouble for me," I sigh thinking about his beautiful chiseled face and piercing grey eyes.

"Are you drooling thinking about him?" Georgia jokes.

"Haha very funny," I mock rolling my eyes.

I grab my empty water bottle out of my bag to go fill up at the water fountain.

"You need me to fill up yours?" I ask Georgia and she shakes her head no.

I don't even bother asking the sub if I could leave as I walk straight out of the classroom. I find the water fountain down at the end of the hall and I begin filling my blue bottle up.


I jumped at the sound of the voice frightened because I thought I was the only one in the hallway. I sprayed water all over the place and when I look up I find a damp Greyson in front of me.

"Jesus Greyson! You scared the shit out of me!"I scolded.

"And you got me wet," he scowled motioning dramatically towards his wet Clearwater football jersey.

"Star football player is mad about getting a little wet. You poor thing! How do you play on that dirty field?"I provoked as I turned on my heel and started my walk to the English class.

"You forgot this."

Greyson appears next to me holding my water bottle in his hand.

"Thanks," I grunt grabbing the bottle out of his hands aggressively.

"You always seem to have your panties in a bunch at school Ads," he points out only making me angrier.

"Maybe your the reason why I have my panties in a bunch Greyson, "I sneer, narrowing my eyes at him.

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