19. crazy bitch

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I'm at my locker organizing my books for AP Chemistry when I hear Georgias loud contagious laugh mixed with Khloe's airy giggles growing closer towards me from down the hall. Looking up I am not surprised to see my favorite blonde and Georgia Peach smiling at me as they slump against the locker next to me.

"So, we all going with Ellie to get dresses after practice for the banquet this Friday?" Georgia greets me with a question.

"Yeah she asked me yesterday but wait," I hesitated, peering at Khloe. "Who are you going with?"

"Oh Luke invited me, we go every year together," Khloe shrugs calmly.

Khloe and Luke would be really cute together but they have made it very clear their relationship will always be platonic. They have been best friends forever with no feelings attached and anyone who really knows them both would recognize their love for each other is on a sibling level.

"Did Ash ask you yet Georgia?" I inquire, shutting my locker door signifying we can all start walking to class.

"Kind of? I mean I think. Yes?" Georgia faltered, chewing on the bottom of her lip.

"What did my dear brother say?" I scowled, already picturing Ahsers dumbass attempting to ask Georgia to be his date.

"It's what didn't he say," Khloe snorted, rolling her dark eyes.

"He first brought it up as a lame banquet and then asked me if I was going with my family. When I said yes he responded that he would be going then," Georgia explained her forehead lines enlarging after every word.

"In Asher language, yes, that is him asking you to be his date," I cringe slapping my forehead.

"Are we gossiping about me?" Asher's voice pipes up.

Out of nowhere Asher, Luke, and Calum pop up next to us slinging their arms around each one of the girl's shoulders. Lukes's arm is draped over my shoulder with his gleaming white-toothed smile looking down at me.

"No!" Georgia squeaks out immediately, her cheeks on fire as Asher grips her shoulder.

Mine and Khloe's eyebrows raise straight to the ceiling as we analyze our outgoing daring friend crumble into a pile of nerves at the sight of my brother.

"Well on that weird note," Calum coughs motioning for me to follow him into the Chem lab.

"Bye guys," I wave slipping out from Lukes's grasp and walking into the all-white peroxide infumed lab room.

Calum and I take out seats at the last lab bench in the back, grabbing our supplies then throwing our bags on the ground. I flip my mac book on, looking up at the board to read today's directions. Ew, an online lab. I slump my shoulder against our table and login into the computer with distaste.

"Okay class," Mr.O'Connor begins at the sound of the bell. "Today we are just going to work on a virtual lab that is found on the daily lesson slide deck on google classroom while I finish grading your last tests. Sound good?"

The class all lets out grumbles of agreement as Mr.O'Connor takes his seat at his desk. I had the 40 year old blad man for AP Biology as well, and he was one of the few teachers I actually enjoyed. Just not today because online lab work is tedious.

"Asher and Georgia huh?" Calum whispers leaning closer towards me to talk.

"How much do you know?" I tentatively question, not wanting to slip out something that Georgia had no told him yet.

"I mean I've noticed it develop ya know and Asher brings it up to me so I know what's going on but I just don't ask about it," Calum splutters running his hand through his dark wavy hair.

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