7. cigarette daydream

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The drive back to school was silent. I had slipped into one of the public bathrooms at the beach and changed back into the clothes I wore to school. Greyson's face was scrunched up the whole ride appearing to be thinking about something. He pulled into his spot and I opened my door, slinging my backpack over my shoulder.

"Arent you coming?" I ask noticing that Greyson is still in the Jeep.


"You have football practice though! You cant skip school and go to-" I begin babbling.

"Not when you have a therapy note," he cuts me off as he pulled a white doctor note out of his pocket.

I recall Georgia disclosing with me that Greyson's mom had died when he was in middle school. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he was most likely going to therapy because of that. I sure as hell was not about to ask him about that though.

"Oh, okay."

"Arent you going to ask me why?" He asks in bewilderment.

"I'm not going to probe into your life Greyson that is rude," I answer truthfully.

He just sat there scrutinizing my face causing me to shift my balance on my feet.

"What?" I burst out.

"Nothing," he shakes his head. "See you out on the field."

Greyson winks at me as he slips on his ray bans and reverses out of the parking lot leaving me with some very confused feelings.


f(x) of Greyson Leblanc + being the coaches daughter = JUST FRIENDS.

"UGH," I frustratingly grumble scribbling that equation off of my calculus homework.

I was trying to focus on this homework problem but due to Greyson popping into my mind every second it has been a struggle. It didn't help either that he happened to be playing football right in front of me.

Soccer had ended almost an hour ago and the whole group is supposed to go get dinner after our practice. However, football of course has to get out late today. So, Georgia and I have been using the time to get our homework in even though we didn't have a lot due to it being the second day of school.

"Ew Mr. Bower gave you guys homework?" Georgia cringed peering over my shoulder to look at my worksheet.

"Yeah it is, in fact, awful and I can't focus on it at all," I sigh.

"Maybe you can't focus because of that lil ditch trip you had today."

I give Georgia a death glare as she snickers. I had told the boys that Greyson had just given me a tour of the school but told the girls the true story.

"Let's not talk about it," I mumble, doodling on the corner of my page.

"Listen, girl, I've never seen Grey try this hard before. What have you done to our beloved #1 player?" she laughs.

"Nothing!" I laugh along with her.

We both stop laughing at the shouting coming from the field. My body is frozen in place when I see Asher's face covered in bruises and blood laying on the grass. I don't see anything else besides my brother as I turn the rest of the world off. I run down the metal steps towards him.

"Ash!" I scream falling to the muddy ground beside him.

"Hey Addie," Asher smiles but ends up wincing in pain. 

"What happened to you?" I whisper caressing his face with my gentle hands.

"Stop worrying! You should see the other guy," he jokes sitting up.

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