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I wake up to the smell of a fall candle burning knowing my mother must be up. Sighing I get up out of bed and open my blinds. The bright California sun beams down on me, illuminating my room. Today is the day Greyson and I spend a whole day together. I'm excited but also frightened about what might happen at the end of the day. I shake my head trying to get rid of Greyson and turn to leave my bedroom. I open my door to come face to face with Will who is leaving his bedroom as well.

"Morning shit face," Will yawns, turning to walk down the stairs.

"Morning to you and your friend," I chide noticing the enormous red zit on his cheek.

"Shut up," he mutters slapping his hand on his face to cover the pimple.

Walking into the kitchen I see my mom and dad both cooking breakfast with smiles on their faces. Peering around the house I realize my brothers cleaned the place up surprisingly well considering they didn't have my help.

"Morning," Will and I greet our parents as we settled into our spots on the counter.

"Hey kiddos," my dad smiles as he flips his eggs. 

"Where's Liam and Ash?" I ask upon noticing the empty seats next to me.

"They went to go get milk at the market since your father didn't realize we ran out," My mother whispers to us.

"It was not my fault Lauren!" my dad shouts. "I didn't finish the milk."

I giggle at their antics as my mom had a teasing glint in her eyes. Now and then you would see a childish side to her.

"We've got the milk!" Ash's voice booms into the house.

My two other brothers walk into the kitchen holding a gallon of milk. That will last a week.

"Next time when someone uses the last of something write it down on the shopping list!" My dad grunts pointing to the list on the fridge.

I take a waffle from one of the bowls my mom put out and start applying butter.

"Are your friends up?" My mom asks my brothers.

Friends? I didn't know my brothers had people sleepover.

"Yeah, they're coming down in a minute," Asher answers, his mouth full of pancake.

I continue to eat my waffles noticing a sneaky Will try to grab a bite.

"Hey!" I shout slapping his hand away from my plate.

"Morning," my mom beams, and I automatically turn to meet a pair of grey eyes.

Greyson is shirtless which is nothing I haven't seen before but every time his body does not cease to amaze me. Greyson catches my staring and a smirk grows on his face. I blush and look down at my plate knowing I've been caught red-handed.

"Morning Mrs.Kavanaugh."

I hear other familiar boys' voices and notice Luke and Calum behind Greyson. I hadn't even noticed they were there because I was too busy staring at Greyson.

Will gets up from his seat next to me and puts his dishes in the sink as he proceeds into the living room.

"Morning Addie!" Luke and Calum smile at me slipping into the extra seats.

"Morning weirdos," I tease still feeling Greyson's eyes on me.

I push Greyson into the back of my mind as I get up and go get eggs from the stove. I feel the heated gaze of eyes staring behind me and suddenly became aware of what I was wearing. I had on a sports bra and very short champion bottoms. I feel my face heat up not daring to turn around just yet. I pile the eggs onto my plate, my hands shaking. When I turn around Luke and Calum look away quickly but Greyson didn't move a muscle. I could feel our tension growing even more.

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