20. red dress

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The girls choose a local dress shop downtown and stepping foot into the store I am bombarded with an assortment of different styles and colors of dresses. We all split up searching through the racks for an elegant dress for the booster banquet. I am drawn immediately towards the red dresses and begin sifting through the rack of them.  

"Hey," Khloe smiles as she sifts through the same rack of dresses beside me.  

"What's up?" I ask registering the blonde's uneasiness. 

"Back at the school with um Sadie, it's just you didn't have to do that for me," Khloe sputters her eyes glistening. 

"No," I shake my head. "I would do it again with no hesitation she is a bitch."

I'm dying to ask her what Saide meant behind her harsh words and if Khloe was actually raped but I knew that she would tell me in her own time. I didn't want to push her to tell me something that traumatic on my own accord. 

"You're not going to ask-"

"Khloe I'm not expecting you to tell me right now," I cut her off. "You tell me when you're ready."

Khloe's smile grows even wider as a single tear glides down her cheek. She embraces me into a warm hug as I wrap my arms tightly around the sweet girl. My heart empathizes for god knows what Khloe has gone through before we met. 

"Thank you," Khloe whispers into my curly hair. 

"Any time Khlo," I breathe, releasing myself her tight embrace. 

"Guys!" Georgia shouts, grabbing mine and Khloe's attention. 

We both eye each other, Khloe giving me a shrug before we walk over to the aisle I remember leaving Georgia at. We find the loud girl holding up a light purple dress. She looks ecstatic as her hands glide over the silk fabric in awe. 

"What do y'all think?" Georgia asks darting her eyes between me and Khloe. 

"It's beautiful Georgia," I gasp, my eyes following the dress from the ground up.  

"That one is defiantly a winner," Khloe points out, agreeing with me. 

"Hurry up and find a dress you two so we can try them on!" Georgia reprimands shooing Khloe and me along. 

I let out a laugh at Georgias mom like personality and make my way back to the red dress section. I'm ready to give up my search until I find the most eyecatching v neck dress buried in the back. I snatch the dress and head to the dressing rooms. Ellie is coming out of one of the curtains to her changing room wearing a light blue dress that fit her body snugly. 

"Ellie that blue is amazing," I gush, opening my curtain.

"Oh stop it," Ellie blushes, twirling in a little circle.

I slip into the claustrophobic room and put on the red silk dress. The smooth fabric glides against my sun-kissed skin and fits me like a glove. My mouth is agape as I turn to look at the back in the mirror. My bareback is exposed in a similar v shape as the front but cuts drastically longer. 

"Addie! You changed?" Georgia's voice calls out to me. 

I pull back the curtain to find my friends all wearing the dresses they picked out. Khloe is wearing a poofy black dress, Georgia is wearing the silky lilac dress, and Ellie is wearing the light blue dress I saw before. 

"Damn! Baby you look Hot," Georgia whistles, motioning for me to turn.

I begrudgingly turn in a small circle listening to my friend's coo in acknowledgment of the red dress. I can't help but feel beautiful in fabric knowing fully well how the silk hugs every curve on my body perfectly accentuating my alluring figure. 

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