14. pickup line

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Greyson and I finished the lunch he made at the cliff then packed up. The drive back was our usual comfortable silence that I enjoyed. Greyson and I are sometimes similar in odd ways. We both try to hide our feelings and we both like the silence sometimes. Maybe that's why Im attracted to his company.

"My mom and I before she um passed we would go to that park," Greyson chokes out.

I turn to face him to see guilt and sadness painted on his perfect face. My heart panged for him and the pain he was going through. I can't help but feel as if he doesn't talk to anyone about his mom or real dad.

"Thank you for bringing me," I smile, reaching my hand out and cupping his face.

I watch Greyson grab my hand with his free one and lean closer into my warmth. I see a smile break free onto his lips which I like a lot better than his frown.

"For some reason when Im around you Ads I feel like I can trust you. I basically just met you and yet I am telling you things about me that I don't even tell my friends," He sighs gently pushing my hand away from his face.

"I don't mind listening you know," I reassure him. "Sometimes we all need a person who will just listen."

I watch his eyes peer at mine for a second. I couldn't tell what he is thinking. I can never predict anything about Greyson Leblanc which is why what he said next surprised me.

"Frank was my real dad," Greyson says in a tone one could take for a whisper.

"He wasn't always ya know abusive I guess. Something switched one day and he started to drink. I would stop him from hurting my mom and then one day he just left. My mom found my stepdad a year later."

"Do you like your stepdad?" I ask not being able to decipher his tone.

"Henry has been more of a real dad than I could've hoped for," Greyson responds contently.

"And soph-"

"My mom and Henry had her when I was in 7th grade. Soph doesn't remember my mom because she died when she was barely one year old," Greyson cuts me off.

"Poor Soph," I mumble sympathetically.

"She has Steph as sort of a motherly figure though."

"Whos Steph?" I ask remembering when I woke up at his house after the party he told Soph to go see some Steph.

"Henry's sister who kind of came to help us after my mom died," he explains.

I see the familiar palm trees that line the opening of my street as Greyson pulls to the side of the third house down from mine. I don't want to leave which makes me realize Im attached already.

"Bye Grey Eyes," I smile using the nickname I had given him when we first met as I opened the door of the Audi.

"Wait Love," He calls out.

"Yeah?" I say turning to face him.

"I don't have your number. I just realized."

"That's your grand pickup line," I joke, raising my eyebrows.

"Sometimes a player takes some time off. Ya know like a vacation," Greyson shrugs with a glint of amusement in his eyes.

"How long is this vacation?" I laugh.


"Depends?" I question confused as to what he means.

"Depends on some girl I know," he discloses causing my heart to drop to my feet.

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