2. cali lifestyle

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The next day was filled with unpacking all of our shit from the moving trucks which took hours upon hours. We all woke up at 8 a.m and by the time we were done it was 12 in the afternoon. The fact that the temperature was almost at 90 today did not help either. My whole body felt sticky and changing into just a sports bra and shorts didn't help my sweating.

"Will, Asher, Liam, and I got our first practice of the season today," my dad informed the family. All of us were enjoying the A.C in our house and sipping on lemonade my mother made.

"What time is that at?" I ask.

"1:00. I figured I would set the time then so we could have enough time to all un pack together." I nodded feeling a pang of jealousy.

"What's wrong Addie?" Asher asks me, lowering his voice so that only I can hear him. I look up at him to see that he's not partaking in the conversation the rest of the family is having about something on the t.v in the living room where they all slowly walk over to.

"It's nothing," I brush off which just leads him to squint his eyes at me. Asher and I have always had a pretty strong sibling bond since we were young. If I had to pick a favorite sibling it would definitely be him.

"You know you will make friends here right?" I shake my head in amusement because he can always read me like an open book.

"The first soccer practice isn't until the first day of school and that's a whole two weeks away. I don't know I guess I wish I would meet some friends before school like you get to," I poured out to him as I looked down at my now empty glass of lemonade.

"Oh Addie," he breathed.

"I know I'm over dramatic."

"No you are not. Listen you got me the first day of school okay? We can walk together into school like we always do. There is nothing to worry about Ads," he encouraged giving me a side hug.

"Thanks Ash," I chuckle, ruffling his hair.

"I've got to go get ready for practice but do something to keep your mind off of that stress you got," he beamed as he did some weird dance out of the kitchen which made my mother laugh as she entered the room. I would never admit to Asher but I may have let out a laugh as well.

"He always knows how to cheer you up even when you were little," my mom comes over and sits down next to me on the counter. She begins to braid my untamed hair which is something that she has always done since I was a kid.

"Were you jealous of a five year old mother?" I snicker leaning back to look at her. Over the years she is still very beautiful but I have noticed the wrinkles that form around her mouth when she smiles more recently.

"Not going to lie sometimes I felt like you two were able to parent one another better than your father and I could," she said in quite amazement.

"That's me and Asher for you," I smile. "Actually, I think I'm going to take Ash's idea and maybe go for a run on the beach."

"Preparing for your big soccer year already kiddo?" my dad chimes in. I see he has changed into Adidas shorts, Nike sneakers, and a ClearWater Football shirt.

"Of course I can never start too soon and I don't think just because I'm The Chris Kavanaugh's daughter will help me win over the soccer coach," I say as I pick up a Dallas Cowboy hat on the counter and place it on my dad's head with a smile. I turn on my heel out of the kitchen and I can hear my dad's deep low chuckle echoing throughout the new house.


I felt the muscles in my body begin to ache for me to stop but I would not allow myself to do so. I could see the stairs to my house from here which only made me run faster. Once I reach them I catch my breath and allow myself to feel the exhaustion by sitting down on the first step. I keep my headphones in still listening to J.Cole and check my phone to see how many miles I ran. Damn a whole five miles. Not too bad. I could feel the trickles of sweat rolling down my back as the sun beats against my skin thanking god for my olive complexion because I forgot to apply sunscreen.

The Coach's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now