15. personal dopamine

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"Miss. Kavanaugh," Ms.Vincent calls on me snapping my attention away from the gloomy weather outside.

"What is the hormone that is released that makes us feel happy?" She asks leaning her glasses farther down her nose. 

"Dopamine," I respond quickly back, attempting to hide a mischievous smirk. 

"Very um good let's just try to pay attention up at the board," She stammers writing the definition on the whiteboard. 

Ms.Vincent kind of reminded me of a hairless cat who is too old to be living. Her blonde hair that reaches her shoulders is turning a light grey and her eyes pierce everyone's like a cat. I don't think she likes me too much because she knows I can be utterly distracted and still know what's going on in class. 

"I forget you're a nerd sometimes," Greyson whispers into my ear causing the hairs on the back of my neck to rise. 

Looking up into his eyes lazily I feel as if I'm looking outside the window. Greyson's grey eyes match the turmoil weather outside. I wonder if his clouded eyes symbolize his clouded brain filled with piled up emotions. 

"And I forget you can be a dick sometimes," I tempt challenging his stormy eyes against my forest green. 

The bell rings signifying the end of the second period and the end of my sexual frustration sitting next to Greyson which is the reason I was looking outside in the first place. I was getting restless at the proximity of our tense bodies next to one another that I had to force my attention elsewhere but somehow the storm outside reminded me of Greyson. 

"I guess we are all a little forgetful," I whisper back into his ear as I pack my school bag up. 

"You are too much for me," I hear Greyson groan as he pulls his silky brown hair back with his fingers causing my stomach to twist into knots. 

I am brought back to waking up in his bed after the night of our first kiss. Greyson's hair draped on the pillow messily while his muscular arms draped over me protectively as the California sun illuminated a light gold on his bronzed skin. How was that just the other day? The thought releases a rush of dopamine into my brain. 

"What do you have next?" I find myself asking as we both walk out of the Psych room door shaking my head of my thoughts. 

"Biology," He huffs, grabbing the string of his backpack. 

"I'm guessing biology isn't Mr. Perfect's strong subject," I smile enjoying our banter. 

"I am not perfect," Greyson chides, his mood change giving me a brief whiplash. 

I spot Khloe and Georgia by their lockers down the hall and I desperately needed to escape from one of Greyson's moods right now. I just didn't feel like fighting with him and I think putting some distance between us will be beneficial because this week will end eventually. At the end of the week, I will be forced to stop whatever is going on between us for good.  

"I'm going to go," I retort turning on my heel away from his coldness and not daring to look up into his eyes for I would feel guilty. 

"Would you look who it is," Georgia exclaims as I settle next to them already cheering up my mood. 

"It's Monday and It's raining," Khloe deadpans at Georgia. "How are you happy?"

"That's Miss Georgia Peach for you," Luke points out appearing out of thin air as he leans against Khloe's locker.  

"Yo guys!" We all turn our heads around to find Asher and Calum peeking their heads out of the library doors down the hall.

"We all got study hall!"Asher Hollars as he and Calum slip back behind the doors.

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