17. lustful eyes

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"Tell me no," Grey ordered me as his thumb dragged down against my bottom lip.

His lips were pursed into a straight line glaring down at me as his fingers gently ran along the nape of my neck sending tingles down my body and into my jello legs. Greys fingers abruptly tightened around my neck harder. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I shook my head no.  A low whimpering escaped Grey's mouth as he pressed his body flush against my own. 

"Stop being a fucking bitch and use that dirty mouth of yours to say no," he rasped looking up at me through his dark eyelashes gripping my neck even harder. 

"Call me a fucking bitch again and I might," I whispered narrowing my eyes into his own as I took his thumb into my mouth and gently suck on it. 

His grey eyes widened for a brief second in surprise before settling back to a thunderstruck sky of darkness that oozed desire. Greyson let go of my neck and ripped his thumb out of my mouth proceeding to flip my body around, slamming my front into the bookcase. I felt his hot breath fanning along my shoulders and down my body. 

"A," He inhaled kissing my thigh as he gripped my ass with both hands for support.

"Fucking." he kissed closer up to my inner thigh. 

"Bitch." Greyson bit my Nike shorts with his teeth sliding them down my goose-bumped legs into a pool at my feet. 

I swiveled my body around and am already met with a pair of grey eyes staring at me with longness. 

"You should've said no when I told you to, Love," Greyson moaned against my ear lifting me up as I instinctively wrapped my legs around his body. 

Greyson nibbled at the sensitive areas of my neck as if he was a fucking expert on how to get there to be a pool of desire in my panties. He dropped me on the couch by the fireplace as his hooded lust glazed eyes frustratingly drunk in each inch of my body. I looked up at him through my eyelashes as my chest heaved up and down licking my bottom lip and then biting seductively. Greyson let out an animalistic groan as he bent down grabbing the back of my neck and smashing his lips against my own in a messy twist of tongues. My hands nimbly lifted his shirt over his head separating our lips for a couple of seconds before meeting again in a heated desire. My hands traveled everywhere over his body; in his messy hair, down his chest and abs, to the waistband of his sweat pants and then repeating this process over and over again. My hands were not the only guilty ones for every inch of skin I covered he did as well on my own body. Greyson's hands pinched, squeezed, and grabbed my boobs and ass, burning my skin. All I can think about is devouring Greyson at this moment, throwing away any and all of my senses out the window. His scent, his presence, his touch was insufferable and I am an addict for it all. 

He broke our kiss and grabbed my neck flinging me back down onto the couch as I divulged in the pain. Greyson carefully took his other arm and grazed his fingers in a heated trail from my ankle to my light pink panties. He let go of my neck and with using both hands ripped my thong off of my body causing me to gasp. I closed my eyes arching my back as his breath teased my sensitive spot. I choked on a whimper at the sensation of his tongue against my navel teasing kisses here and there. 

"Please," I moaned into the echo filled walls of the library. 

Greyson sucked on my hipbone making me arch further as he pressed a strong hand down on my torso, "What do you want me to do Love?"

"Just do something," I grumbled pulling at my hair in frustration. 

"Whatever you say," He chuckled sending vibrations into my stomach. 

My breath hitched in my throat as Greyson completely devoured me into his mouth as his tongue expertly swiveled in and out of my insides. I feel my eyes roll into the back of my head as I reach out and tug on Greyson's curls. At the feeling of his fingers slipping inside of me and curling around my g-spot, I couldn't help but dive my hips forward practically grinding on his face. I felt my stomach clench as his tongue and fingers worked devilishly to loosen my strings of an orgasm. As soon as the third finger entered inside of me I felt my body convulse as I rode out my high with a high moan. 

I lightly open my eyes and look up to be met with an arrogant smirk. Before I can open my mouth to say anything Greyson's mouth is gently kissing mine as I taste my remaining juices on his tongue. 

"You definitely look as good as you taste," He mumbled against my lips as my stomach twisted into an intricate knot. 


We laid in a messy tangle of legs and kisses before I realized I had to be getting home. In a frantic rush of trying to find my clothes and a much-deserved slap given to Greyson for breaking my underwear, we were in his car driving to my house. 

The short ride was filled with the dull hum of a random radio station and the vacant Malibu night time roads. Greyson's hand rested on my thigh drawing light fiery circles on my skin, a small smile dancing on my lips. I felt the car slow down to a halt in front of the usual third house down from my own. 

"Well, Leblanc it was for sure a successful study date," I smirked turning towards Greyson. 

"Trust me if that was what studying is I would be the top student in our grade," Greyson bantered his eyes twinkling under the car lights.

"Mhm," I hummed leaning towards him my bottom lip tucked under my teeth.

His thumb glided again my lips pulling my bottom one back out then cupping my face and dragging me into a brief lust-filled kiss. Greyson bites my bottom lip our foreheads leaning against one another as we both catch our breaths. I look up at him with hooded eyes not wanting to leave the storm and go back to the calm. 

"What happened to take things slow," I asked quirking my eyebrow up, recalling his detests at the waterfall on Sunday. 

"You is what happened," Greyson chuckled rubbing my cheek.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I smile parting from his grasp and opening the car door. 

"When we play soccer with Sophie," I add reminding him of my promise to his little sister. 

"Yay," Greyson deadpanned, rolling his eyes and slumping against the leather seat.  

"Bye Leblanc," I laugh shaking my head in amusement as I shut the car door.

Walking up to my house I think I see the shades to one of the rooms upstairs open and glaring light down into the front yard. Darting my eyes to the window all I see is the swaying shut curtains. Weird. 

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