5. captain battle

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"Girl you got it bad don't ya, "Khloe blurted out after I had finished telling her and Georgia about my little lunch debacle with Greyson.

The three of us has met up by the library at the end of the day so that we could all walk together to the student lot.

"You Miss. Adeline are the talk of the school, "Georgia informed us opening the door to exit the building.

"What do you mean?" I whined. Stepping outside I instantly have to blink a couple of times to get adjusted to the bright California sun. 

"Everyone is saying that you're the hottest girl in the school right now and that Greyson has fucked you," she reveals.

"What?!" I yell out.

"I heard some of the football guys talking about it in my bio class. Everyone thinks something is going on from the little lunch scene but no one can tell what. There are rumors that you guys fucked, made out, the coach caught you guys, and that you turned him down," Khloe explained.

"Well, they got one right," I cringe."I just hope no one has said anything to my brothers."

"Speak of one of the three stooges," Georgia mumbles as we all watch Asher, Luke, and Calum walk over towards us.

"What up bitches!" Luke shouts making us all laugh.

"Do you always have this much energy?" I question.

"He has been hyper since we were in kindergarten," Calum chuckles.

"So Addie we all heard a lil rumor today," Luke announced and I felt my heart drop to my stomach. We had all stopped in front of Calum's car giving me waves of deja vu from this morning. I looked right at Asher to see he had no emotion expressed on his face but his pupils were completely dilated. A sign that if I confirmed the worst of the rumors shit would go down.

"Listen." I stand in front of the whole group eyeing everyone. "Nothing is going on with me and Greyson. The only remotely true rumor is that I turned him down, okay?"

"Mhm. Then how do you explain that?" Luke motions his hand for me to turn around.

Across the lot leaning against a slick black Corvette staring daggers at me was Greyson. He had his usual smirk on and even from where I was standing I could make out the piercing grey color to his eyes. If looks could kill I'd be dead. He winks at me and I take the liberty to smile while giving him the finger. I whip my head back around not getting the chance to see Greyson's reaction but to see all my friends laughing.

"That's my sister for you," Asher cheered getting pure satisfaction out of my action.

"Does that explain things for you, Bradley?" I contended, crossing my arms against my stomach.

"Yes, noted. I will not bring that up again," he affirmed.

"Come on we have to get ready for soccer practice," Georgia reminded me as she tugs my arm away from our group of friends.


Sweat trailed down my back and whisps of my hair fell out of my tight ponytail as I dodge player after player. I look up to see a perfect shot into the goal so without another thought, I take my right foot and kick the ball. The soccer ball was traveling too fast in the air and the goalie missed the catch. That's my fourth goal today.

"Nice Kavanaugh!" my teammate Ellie congratulates, slapping me on the back.

Ellie befriended me at the beginning of practice as we were both tying our cleats. I recognized her the moment I saw her from being the girl Calum went to go talk to during lunch. She approached me first telling me how shes watched my highlight reels and I told her that I've seen a highlight video of hers. Once she told me her name I remembered Ellie Morgan. She had to be in the top 50 in the country. I had stumbled upon a game highlight of hers last year on youtube and remembered being amazed. On the field today the both of us connected and were able to dominate.

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