10. a kiss

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Im stunned motionless at his lips moving against mine. I want to resist but I can't and before I know it my lips mold against his perfectly. The kiss is soft until I need more of Greyson. I tug myself closer towards him letting my hands travel through his hair. All the pent up sexual tension and desire is released in this moment. The kiss becomes hungry as his persistent mouth parts my shaky lips casing a shiver to skitter up my spine. Greyson has evoked a sensation that I didn't know was possible to feel. I bite my lip as he leaves soft kisses down my neck. I yank his head up towards my lips and his muscular arms pick me up slamming me against the tree. He lets out a deep moan in my mouth making me sweat and my stomach to twist into a knot.

Then my brain starts to work. The rule pops into my head and the blonde bitch he was kissing before me. Oh god! I broke the rule! I broke the rule!

"Stop!" I shout pushing Greyson off of me.

My breathing is erratic and I comb my finger through my hair trying to rake my brain of what just happened. I just made out with Greyson Leblanc. Im suppose to be mad at him not kissing him. God Im so confused on what to feel. He keeps on messing with my head.

"My brothers are going to kill me," I whisper to myself tears ready to explode down my face at any second.


"Stop Greyson. Just...please you have done enough."

"Love, your bothers won't find out. No one saw us," he reassured me.

"You dont understand Greyson," I choke out. "The rule is the one thing I'm suppose to follow with my brothers. They told me to not do anything with you."

"Ads I'm sorry. I'm at fault here too. They told all the players about the rule-"


"They told us at the pool party at your house. All the guys were talking about how hot you were and-"

"So you kissed me to see if you could break the rule first? That's it?"

"No Ads!" he argues stepping towards me.

"Stop Greyson. All you do is mess with my head okay? You kiss a girl before we did, your hot or cold around me, and you act like you don't care about me. I just need some air," I explain walking away from him to go back inside.

I can hear him calling my name but I tune it out. I need to get absolutely drunk right now.

I open the back door off of the kitchen to find Georgia and Khloe hanging out in there eating snacks. Perfect.

"Shots. Now." I order finding a couple shot glasses and cheap vodka.

"That's my girl!" Georgia shouts proudly.

I fill 4 shot glasses up with the clear liquid and place them in front of each person.

"On three ladies," Ellie begins. "1, 2, 3!"

I suck back the shot and immediately chills spread over my body. I gag a little at the taste but get over it quickly.

"I hate shots," Georgia states grabbing a drink of water to wash the vodka down.

"Let's go again!" Ellie cheers grabbing the bottle and refilling our glasses.

We continued to do this until probably the sixth shot and our heads began to get cloudy.

"How about um we go dance,"Khloe slurs grabbing our arms and pulling us towards the dance floor.

The lights on the dance floor made my head even cloudier and it felt like I was underwater. Narcos by Migos began to play and we were all swayed our hips to the beat. Calum appeared up behind Ellie and the two started to dance together.

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