Part 14

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[ pj pov ]


The boy that I dearly missed. I should have never left that day with Luke. Luke must've beat him till he couldn't move.

I can't even comprehend what Phil looked like after Luke did what he had.
Purple bruises surrounding his pale face. Each one made with a different angle of his fist or foot. Practically made me sick to think about it.

Phil was a true friend- He knew how to make sunshine glow through out darkness. That's what I love about him.
That's why I love him.

When I saw his perfect face, all the memories of when we were kids, flooded through me. When we ran through out the tall grass pretending we were adventurers. When we stayed up all night reading comic books, and discussing dreams of the future. How he told me he cut himself, and told him I'd be there to help him recover.I remember the day I told Phil he was my friend forever,
And how I would never leave him.

All the memories came at me at once, making me hit an utter shock. My glassy eyes just looked at the boy I craved to hold, and never let go. How I promised I'd be there no matter what.

I would be different this time. I was going to prove that.


I sat on wooden bar stool sipping at the cold bottle. I watched how Chris and Luke were pathetically hitting on chicks at mini tables, while Dan drunkenly danced in a mob of people.

Phil sat one stool away from me, sipping at his bottle too. I figured now would be the best time to talk, while the reat of them were doing their own stuff.

I scotched overone sit to be next to "joe". Phil turned his head so he could see who I was. He twisted his body a bit mire so he was facing me on a weird angle.

"So I'm Peej." I stated. Before he could use his fake name, I interrupted " Amd your name is Phil."

[phil's pov ]

I looked at him in utter shock. Hiw could he tell? " I don't know wh-" I was cut off again, how polite.

" Phil, you don't realize I knew you for 12 years of our child hood, do you seriously think I'd forget you that quick?" He looked sort of pissed , but I pushed it aside before he explained why.

" You'd seem to forgotten me after ypu met Luke and Chris." I stated a little more rude then I intended. He looked towards the bottle at his hands with a sad hint in his eyes. As he looked into the bottle he spoke, " Phil I can't really explain why I was so stupid to do that to you. I'm sorry Phillip. I just hope you can forgive me for that."

Pj was always good with persuading me, or guilt tripping me. either way it worked. " Pj you know I forgive you no matter what you do you dingus." He chuckles, prancing his fingernails over his glass bottle.

I looked to Pj as I met his begging eyes. He licked his lips and opened his mouth, only to be shut by the devil barging in.

"The girls heres are such twats, don't know when a great guys offers to buy them a drink or two. Have you lads picked up a gal here yet? They seem to be on their periods or something, bone of them want to get on with this." He motions towards himself.

" Yea I wonder why." Pj mumbles. He said it sarcastically enough, Luke thought he was for real.

Luke looked at his surroundings again. "Well I'm gunna go dance by Danny boy over their. You girls have fun. " He smirks and walks off with a beer in his hand.

I shake my head in shame of the twat. He is so horrible, I can't even comprehend. I was about to ask Pj what he was about to say,

But then I was yanked into the massively large crowd by a familiar hand.

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