Part 22

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[ daniel's pov ]

After about an hour of intense excercise I made it to our flat building. I jogged as winded as I was up the stairs, to see a traitor/ yet savior.. Peej. But there was someone next to him, craddling him in his arms.

"Pascal?" I asked. Pj lifted his head towards me, showing his blotchy red eyes, and pale face. I then saw Chris's face appear from being bent down... Why was he here?

"Dan... Peej and I've been here for three days straight. We've tried everything to get in, but it seems like it was blocked off or barricaded.." Chris quietly spoke. "Through out today, we could hear Phil cry, and talking to himself Dan.. it's been so silent.. I don't want to come to comclusions he-" He stopped before Pj started to cry.

Chris held him tighter in his arms, leaning into the door trying to comfort the broken Pj. "Dan I'm sorry it's all my fault.." Chris tried to keep telling Pj it wasn't. Guilt took over me, and made me speak. "No it isn't Peej, you simply just felt the need of love.. acceptance ..."

Peej gave me a depressed grin. He was trying so hard to talk, but lost it screaming at Phil's door. "Peej I'll fix this don't worry." I motioned for Chris to mive him and Peej away from the door. The pair shuffled across the hall across from it, without another remark.

I knocked on the door lightly, but i Got no response. I began to pound harder and harder, until my fists becane red- yet I didn't hear a sound. "Phil?" I called out.

I am 99.9% sure, I heard someone breathe, but it may be my imagnination, dince this is driving me insane. "Phil..?" I pleaded again. I heard it, the sound of foot steps. He's still alive.

"Phil-" I began to scream out. I began to poind my fists once again on the door- but I stopped automatically when I heard it- I heard something fall.

This can't be happening, this can't be happening. The irony couldn't be worse at this point- I heard something fall over. The only reason was simple-

Phil tried to kill himself.

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