Part 30

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[ pj's pov ]

My eyes shot open, my stomach releasing the liquor inside me. A firm hand patted my back, trying to give out the least of compassion. My stomach was twisting in knots, for I knew I had drank too much. At least it tooks the thoughts of Chris being away for a while.

Dan and Phil looked at me pitifully, almost as if I were a ln abondoned puppy. "Peej.." Phil mumbled, "Why would you do this with yourself. Dan slapped Phil in the arm, trying say don't say anything, but it was no use, just the thought of what happened earlier made tears stream down my face.

The two boys dragged me intot heir flat, placing me on the couch soaking the surface with my desperate tears. I felt so bad for ruining Phil's first night back from recovery, but I was broken and triggered at the moment, so I needed the help.

I was snapped out of my deep thought from Dan shaking me. "PEEJ-" He screamed. "Wha-What's wrong?" I paniced. He looked away from me for a moment, bringing his heavy eyes back to me,"You've been zoning out for hours Pj, I didn't know if you were ok.." Dan spoke. My eyes began to tear up again, "Dan, do I look FUCKING, O-K?" I spit out.

Dan took a step back in response. the boy immeadiately frowned, looking back at the wooden floor boards. He took another step towards me, resting his delicate hand onto my back. "Peej, I know it hurts....but it'll get better. The pain will soon vanish." His wise words didn't mean shit though, for I needed it to disappear now.

I looked down at my tear marks on their nice couch , beginning to cry again, but this time- Daniel had wrapped his thin arms around me. I rested my chin onto his broad shoulder, twisting my arms around his back for my comfort.

The phenomenal boy drew slight patrerns on my back, making my wuick panic go away. The pain was still there, but it didn't feel as severe.I began to feel alright again, like I did when Chris was actually here. I recognized the emotions, but I tried to push them back, but I knew on that couch-

I was falling for my best friend again.


Hey guys! Sorry this was a but short, but maybe ill update again tonight! I love you all, and thank you so much for reading!

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