Part 5

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My eyes focused one the boy slowing strutting off into the corridor.

I kept glancing back and forth between the paper with the set of digits and the popular boy Daniel.

Is this a dream? My mind kept bouncing back the ideas of Dan either wanting him as his own, or as his friends personal punching bag.

In the past Phil was only hurled insults by his friends, but the past couple of weeks there has been shoves walking past the schools halls. His nerves were getting more tense for the fear of knowing Daniel could be playing his own game;
Were Daniel is the lion to be with Phils-
Or Daniel is the lion and He is the prey.


For the past couple of hours my stomach hasn't been able to settle. The tension in my body kept building up over the fact Phil hasn't texted me.

I shouldn't feel so nervous over a social outcast not accepting my offer- but i am. It's more of an understatement. All my fears were being pushed into one making the whole scenario even worse.

I sat on my bed, resting my eye lids lightly trying to calm myself. Only to have my whole body shoot off my bed once my phone buzzed. The screen had an anonymous number- which must've been Phil by him saying :

Uh hi daniel. This is phillip. Is it to late to come over?

Even through a screen, Phillip was the most adorable yet polite boy on earth. I texted him back my address, but before sending the message I put a small x, just to show i liked- i mean cared about him..

I waited about 10 minutes dashing around the house to make sure everything looked spotless. between the time I was checking my fringe, and making sure i didn't look like an absolute mess, Phil rang our buzzer.

I practilly sprinted to the door, before calmy swing it open to face he angel himself.

Phil switched out of his outfit from school, he wore a plaid t shirt with red and black patterns, along with black skinny jeans and red converse.
Why did he have to look phenomenal no matter what?

He looked towards me, taking his eyes off his feet. He gave me a timid smile, before doing a small chuckle and hello.
He was obviously giggling at the fact my eyes were practically out of their sockets looking at him.

I took the moment of admiration to invite him into my lonely home. We stepped into the small house and i guided him into my room. Phil placed his sketch pad on his lap while he pounced onto my bed. I sat in my desk chair across from him, with a small smirk on my face, looking at him observe my room.

After looking at the giant collection of cds i have, he brought his pale eyes to mine, and i decided. It was a good time to break the awkward silence.

" So um... should we start sketching? Would you want some music on first though?" I sat next to him and spoke. He was probably wondering why i was getting closer to him, but he didn't know i wanted to be even closer- DAN STOP IT. I can't do this- i need my reputation. I can't like an outcast.
You don't like an out cast Dan you are obsessed with him- you love -

I cut my brain off, because I saw his wonderful lips part.
Oh how would it feel to have mine against his-
I NEED TO STOP. My frustration began to boil over, as my mind wouldn't stop these games.

Phil's face displayed a look of worry, noticing my anger. " Dan is there a problem? We don't have to draw right now if you want.. We can do whatever you like." Phil was obviously oblivious of what he said. But Dan knew it was his chance. Phil didn't mean it like that, but that's what I interpretted. He said anything I want. Anything. So that's when, between the awkward silence,

I crashed my lips against his


Hey everyone! Tysm for all the positive comments ! Ill update in a bit cause CLIFF HANGER lol. comment and vote on what you think will happen next.

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