Part 32

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[ phil's pov ]

As I returned successfully from the drug store, I'd figured that I'd be able to make the pain go away, and calm down-but no.

Once I stepped into the silent flat I came within an inch Dan. His face was red and puffy, his cheeks wet and danp, his fists clenching something quite familiar. The rope and note.

"What the hell Phil.." Dan spokr backing up, more tears cascading down his face. He lifted my old razor from the counter top, " Phil, have you been doing it again?"

I looked at my feet in shame, but it only seemed to make Daniel more upset. He paraded over to me, snatching the plastic bag full bright, shiny, new razor blades. He tore open the bag, his jaw basically hitting the wooden panels. As if it werre even possible, more tears began to spill out his eyes in despair. I began to cry as well, knowing that I'm a completely vain idiot to do this to Dan.

"Dan, I'm sorry.." I murmured. He lifted his chin up, and walked over towards me. He grabbed the sides of my arms, making sure I was looking at him. " Phil, I was already scared to death you left my life almost twice now.... what if we weren't so lucky saving you this time? Why did you start again, you were doing well.."

"Besides for the fact Peej and you haven't left sight of each other for days on end." I spit towards him. A look of hurt spread across his face, before the realization hit him. "Phil..... I didn't mean to hurt you in anyway.." Dan looked me dead on in the eyes.

"Why would I hurt someone I can't live without?" He spoke.


OOOH TODAYS VIDEO QUOTE GOR IN HERE WOOOT WOOOT! anways hope you all like the chapter:) byyee

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