part 4

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Dan's perspective

I slowly shuffled into the school into first period. I was still trying to forget the whole awkward situation yesterday hoping Phillip will as well.

As I stepped into homeroom, I saw him once again. His pale blue eyes glued to the bundle on his desk, and his tongue poking out through the corner of his mouth.

He looked adorable, and his beauty was just beaming through the room, he looked absolutely like an angel- i mean no he didn't. What was I thinking? I know I can't think like this. It would ruin me. I can't do that to myself. I need to keep my image.

I walked on over and sat next to the raven hair boy, he greeted me with his adorable smile.

I tried to keep in my sudden awe, by making quick conversation. " Hello Phillip. How is it going?" I spoke timidly. I could tell by the way he reacted, he was suprised by how shyness over took my voice.

"Good mate. Oh I finished our- I mean my lion..." His pale skin turned to a dark shade of pink, his head bolted downward to his notebook to try to cover his rosy cheeks, but i already noticed.

Phil slowly opened the notepad, flipping through many pages to find our drawing. He stopped at the most remarkable thing i've ever seen.

"It's beautiful- i mean great. It's great. " i mentally faced palmed myself while he just did a small chuckle .

Phil's bright blue orbs lingered to meet Dans once a smile appeared on his face.
"Thank you so much Daniel.." A tint of red soon began to spread of Phil's paper white skin, and Dan couldn't help to think it was the most beautiful thing to witness.

Dan's thoughts raced together- he needed to talk to Phil more- but it would be social suicide. No one could no- at least now. He needed an excuse. That's when he blurted out- "Can you show me how you do that sometime?"

" Um.. Of coarse..." Phil said as quietly as he could to be audible. Dan's heart started to a soar, but he had to keep it in not to look like a complete fool.

The grin of the boy's round face got bigger, as he asked, " So how about you come to my house around five? I'll give you my number so i'll text you the details. Come by if you want to." He scribbled his number onto the raven haired boy's paper and slowly walked off, leaving Phil in the most shocking state of confusion ever.

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