part 6

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We were just sitting on Daniel's bed, and I was waiting for him to respond me. He just kept a blank expression on his face, while keeping his eyes glued to mine. I kept asking him, if we could listen to music while we drew, but Dan seemed to be in a different universe.

" Dan is there a problem? We don't have to draw right now if you like.. We can do whatever you like. " But all he did was look at me. He wouldn't break eye contact, yet I couldn't either. A small smile formed on his lips, setting me off. Why was he smiling at me? What was he thinking-

I soon learned of what it was though. He crashed his lips to mine, making mine mind spin in circles ( not literally though ). Phil felt sparks in his stomach, almost like the fourth of July was happening in his my internal organs. He pressed his lips to mine, not forcefully , but enough for me to realize what he was doing.

I slowly put pressure back, making a smile press into my lips. For about 40 seconds, we pulled apart. His chestnut eyes staring back at me. I couldn't tell if he was mortified, or relieved. It scared me- what if he was recording this? What if it were to be a joke? Was he playing me?

Dan didn't do anything but blankly look at Phil. Phil began to worry, and decided to abort the mission.

Phil grabbed his sketch book and pencil and darted out of Dan's room down the halls. He yelled behind him, " I have to go Dan-" While he sprinted into the darkness of the night.


Fireworks. That's what it felt like. The best feeling in the world. Like he just won the Nobel peace prize. Won a gold medal. The most phenomenal moment I've ever experienced. He couldn't put it to words- which was the problem.

It was so perfect- Dan couldn't speak- or move for that matter. Phil must've thought differnetly, cause he dashed put of the house like Dan was chasing him with a knife. As soon as Dan heard the door slam, he was knocked out of trance.

Dan, barely meeting the ground with his own feet, ran out the apartment after Phil. It was dark, he could barley tell where the pavement the road met.

He checked both sides of him, not seeing a single pedestrian anywhere.
Dan ran forward, hoping it would be the direction of the park. He came to an abrupt stop as he heard something-Light muffled noises of someone sniffling. He looked forward to see in the distance, a man in the dull lighting of a lamp post, sitting with his head in his hand crying on a old bench. His hair was just as black as the night it self,and he Knew it was Phil.

He ran towards him, only keeping the distance between them a foot. The sniffling stopped, as he was once greated by the pale ocean eyes he loved.His face wasn't as pale, as spots of red were covering his eyes. Dan looked at Phil, as He stood to face him.

They were once again in the position of staring to the depths of each others eyes.

" Why did you leave me?" I stuttered. His eyes dialted to me, as the blotchy eyed boy looked to his feet. He spat out, " Dan let's be honest, you obviously wouldn't like someone like me- i'm an outcast. Just some reject. you obiviously are pulling some trick on me, why else would you kiss a fag like me?"

Dan could hear the hurt screamingout of his weak voice. Dan took his own hand and lifted Phil's chin up so they were once again eye to eye.

" Phil- someone like you? How couldn't I like someone like you? You are the most sweetest, politest, kindest, talented, beautiful guy I have ever seen. Anyone who treats you like an outcast, should obviously be the reject, as you are the most perfect person I've ever layed eyes on. If this were a trick Phil, I would've never chased after you would I? Phil you are amazing- there is no reason why I wouldn't like you. "

Phil just looked at me in disbelief. I think he knew somewhat know i was being honest, but still had that wall of fear blocking him.

" Phil, of this were ever a prank would I do this-" Slowly brought my lips to his again and slowly kissed him. He started to back, and I knew he trusted me this time.I knew , Phil was amazing, and I couldn't let him get away.

HEY GUYS. Two updates in one day wow lol. tell me if you like the ending or anything about the chapter really. THANK YOU EVERYONE.

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