Part 25

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[phil's pov]

The pain went swiftly away as I stepped off the chair. Like I was free- but I was missing something. Or someone of that manner. I soon began to crave the voice of the angel begging me to stay, trying to save my lifeless corpse.

I could hear the wooden cracks from our door bust down, and bottles crashing down or smashing in half. The sighs and gasps began to soften, as a cold pair of hands lifted me down, and layed me on a stiff matting.

My body began to bump along with what I thought was a vehicle I was in. Unfamiliar finger tips were pressing onto my chest, trying to restart my broken heart. Shocks of electricity serged through me, keeping me somewhat with the reality of life. Hat's when a pair of warm hands slipped into my own, sending comfort through out my body. Daniel was here. He was with me.


What felt like en eternity, finally ended. With strange hands and voices around me, finally saving my body. I was so exhausted, I was barely awake.. but the nurses just assumed I passed out.

I was wheeled to another dull room, where I just sat there tiredly. No point on opening my eyes, for there wasn't enough strength to. So I sat there waiting, until I heard the door open. I figured it was a nurse, so I stilk managed to close my eyes.

The rather echoeing steps began to increase in size, until the cane to an abrupt stop. I only assumed they sat in the chair next to me. The sound of their hitched breathe just took me in awe, but I held it all in.

That's when I felt their warm hands touch my rather cold skin. They used their fingertips to rub small circles around the top of my dry skin. The enjoyment of this was too much- I needed to see them, but my eyee wouldn't allow it.

"Phil, I'll always love you. Remember that. I'm your bear, and you're my lion. Apart, we are strong yet broken, but together are a strong, indestructible pair. I'll always be here for you Phil. I'll never leave again."

Dan- my Bear was here for me.He loved me.. My bear was here for me. Dan was back.

I lightly squeezed his hand, to assure him I was awake, as I assumed he thought I was sleeping. He jumped a bit back, and chuckled. " My mind is tricking me, oh my. " he whispered to himself. " I'd be dead if he heard that."

I slightly opened my drowsy eyes and looked at him. "Please don't make the mistake I almost did Daniel." I chuckled, while Dan showed a shock yet joyful expression. "Phil!" He exclaimed. " I'm so sorry Phil-" he told me.

"Dan don't worry... It was my fault.. I love you too.." I mumbled the last bit. He smiled at me, while he leaned down and lightly pressed his lips to mine.

I knew things could only get better from there on.

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