Part Two

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Daniel's perspective

I don't know what got into me today- talking to Lester? I will admit, this boy is remarkabley charming, but he is the social outcast of the century.

Lester seems like a great person, and I find it crazy, by the fact no one has befriended him.

Luckily, i had got to sit next to him today, and I found the experience extravagant . Phil didn't talk much, but he seemed to enjoy our short discussion from the way his eyes shifted from myself, to the small note pad.

His small doodle was better then anything i drew in hours to come. It was amazing how you could see the small details within the lion's mane and facial features.

I told him i would want to see the little drawing when it was finished, with a actual body. Phil stared at me back, as if I just asked- " May i just stab you repeatedly in the back?" He said yes, but it was barely audible.

i don't see why Phil was so shy. Was I imtimidating? Or am I selfish enough, to take note he even wanted to be an aqquaintince of mine.

Well I wanted more then an aqquaintence of coarse, but Phil probably won't be that easy to crack open.

I will admit- I am bisexual. But i preferrably chose girls- to keep my repuattion of, "cool-ass dude" but really... most girls at my school, wear pounds of makeup or don't even have personalities.

I just hope at some point this semester- Phil and I will be closer, and we will be friends.

But who knows? Maybe someday it can be more..

Phil's perspective;

I slid my fingers into the delicate grass beneath me, not breaking it connection towards the ground.

It was out lunch break, and i was sitting outside alone. I really didn't have a choice of sitting alone, as to my knowledge, no one wanted to get to know , the "amazing" phillip.

So i just sat there on my bum, thinking softly in my heads about what had happened in my encounter with Daniel Howell. Why had he been so pleasent towards me? Was this a joke? Was he going to pull a trick on me with his little posse?

As the thoughts rumbled inside my skull, i was literally shaken out of my pace of thought, by a hand shaking my shoulder abruptly. I looked to see how this firm hand belonged to, to only find the man of the hour, Daniel.

He smiled to me, showing me the dimple forming in his left cheek. I was confused- not only by the fact it was Daniel- but by the fact he was with me now.

As he gestured toward the ground with his hands, he asked, " May i join you sir?" I quickly giggled and nodded my head in agreement. He smiled once more, and sat next to me on fragile grass.

" So have you finished the lion?" He questioned. I didn't break my stare down with the ground and replied, "No, but I plan to in history. So the time passes by faster.." Daniel still kept his gaze towards me, but the only reason i knew this, was because i felt as if, my cheeks were dancing in flames.

The michievious boy chuckled, and broke his gaze and joined me with my staring match with the earth's surface.

As my thoughts started to race again, i blurted out the main question on my mind a little to rudely.
"Why did you come and sit with me?"
He slowly brought his chestnut eyes to mine, as our eyes connected once again like earlier in the day.

He smiled, showing his pearly whites. Not breaking the conmection of our sight, he told me " I just wanted to make sure how our lion was doing mate." He grimaced once more, before dropping his smile into a pit of regret. He arose from our little spot, pratically sprinting inside disappearing with the mob of people heading back to class, since the bell was ringing.

As I watched him disappear within the crowd, my mind was crammed with 50 times more questions then before. But one just wouldn't leave, or let me forget of it-

Did Daniel say our lion?

hello everyone! Sorry for the late update, i just haven't had a lot of inspiration to write much famfiction lately.
olease tell me if I should continue the story, or give it a star! thank you do very mych and happy holidays!

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