Part 28

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[ pj's pov ]

My anger sent my flying out the door, sending my light body into the freezing night. The fiery inside me didn't make me think thid though, for it had sent waves of heat from head to toe. I ran down the street, pratically gliding in air from going so fast.

Why was Chris being such a cock block? He should realize god dammit, he can't just one day act like we are together and ignore me the rest. What kind of fool does that?

Chris wasn't an imbecile though, he wouldn't act like this without a cause right? He's better than that, Chris doesn't change unless he's upset or hiding his feelings. Something must've changed, but when?

Two months ago, we were fine, cuddling, sometimes Chris would just stare at me in awe, as if I were a piece of valuable art. I felt the same for him, but how did that change? Two months ago we took a trip with Luke and Dan.. the trip we bumped into Phil accidentily.. and realized.....

That's when it happened. It wasn't Chris's fault whats so ever, if anything, he was keeping distance for my falsely love to Phil. That's when he stopped making videos, saying he wanted mature people.. It's all my fault. I broke everything and everyone. First Chris, then Dan and Phil.... what kind of monster am I?

Tears began to spill out my eyes, releasing the thoughts of Phil with them. I shut my eyes,using my sleece to wipe away the useless tears. Screams of frustration escaped my mouth, echoing through out the silent night.

"Peej?" The angelic voice told. I sprang my head upward, to see the boy I realized I needed to hear. I needed to feel his soft touch- What the bloody hell am I thinking? I can't jump guy to guy, the nerve I have, what a joke I really am.

"Chris..... I need to tell you something-" I tried to call out, but I was cut off once Chris came face to face to me, with a look of hurt spread on his face. "No Peej- I need to tell you something." Tears began to surface his eyes, only to break me more by the second.

"I fucking loved you Peej- As much as I could- but to bloody hell, you had to decide to abomden me for Phil? The boy you fricken left in the hands of Luke in high school? What is your problem Peej?! " He yelled out, grabbing he fringe in frustration. Hot tears began to fall on my cheeks, but I did nothing to stop them.

" You already fucking broke him once- now you have to try again?! You have manipulate a amazing relationships, just to have your own sick pleasure?!" Chris's light eyes became dark as he looked at me. " I thought I really could trust you Peej. I fucking loved you Peej.." His closed his dark eyes, letting a tear escape out his socket. " .. but I can't do this anymore.." Chris turned around slowly and began to walk away.

My eyes spilled out more tears, and my mouth lay open, desperate to call back my dear friend. "CHRIS-" I called out, but he just kept walking forward as if I hadn't said a thing. I ran up to him, placing my cold hand on he shoulder. "Chris, please forg-" He shrugged my hand off my shoulder violently. " No Peej. I'm not doing this anymore."

With that, Chris walked off, not looking back at the boy, broken down on the pavement.


HEY GUYS. Sorry the update took so long i've had writers block for the past week or soo. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2.02K reads ! Thats AMAZING. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. anyways ill update again soon ciao.

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