Part Three

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Daniel's perspective

I can't believe how such of a fool i am.

Why did i say that? How could i have said it?

I literally said our.
As in our lion.

We barely knew each other, yet I am talking like he is already mine.
I can't believe how much of an idiot I am.

I could've just ruined this whole reolationship.

Smooth move Dan.

Phil's perspective

It was just past five forty-five, and the same questionwas racing theough out my mind-

Did Daniel say our?
This thought only les me to more questions begging for an answer.

Is Daniel tryimg to be my friend?
Is he pulling my leg?
Why is he talking to me so very much?And the one i dreaded the most; Is it possible- that the Daniel James Howell likes me?

The thoughts buzzed around my head like a swarm of bees. Constanly buzzing through my ears, and no matter hpw you try, they are there buzzing, nonstop.

So I just lied there silently on my bed, while my head was cluttered with noise. As the questions got deeper, it came to my mind- I should- no, I need to finish the lion drawing. So i grabbed my back pack off the pile of dirty laundry on my beroom floor. I scavenhed through my school bag until I found the small notepad.

I flipped through the many drawings through out the pages, and found the one I started today.

I was determkned to make it the best, drawing of a lion I've done ever.

Hey guys! Sorry quick update! Please enjoy! Byee

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