Part 9

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[daniel's pov ]

On my way to lunch, my buddies Luke, Pj and ,Chris decided to barge in on my walk.

Yeah, they are a decent group of friends, but they are absolute d-bags. They sleep with every girl possible, and it's worse then me. Yea, I have a couple times, but I don't do it every other week.

" DUUDEE WHY YA ACTING EMMOO?" Chris hollered. Whenever he thought something was quite "hilarious" he screamed it to the heavens. " Seriously dude what's wrong- is that fag bothering you?" Luke slurred. I knew he meant Phil, he probably saw me in the court yard.

I glanced at my feet. What could happen? They don't give a shit about Phil-they wouldn't do anything if I told them it was Phil- I just can't say the truth.

" Some idiot ripped my paper. He has some nerve." I hoped they wouldn't dawdle on the subject. If they figured it was Phil, what would happen?

I sware they all exchanged glances after that, but dropped the topic after.

Luke gave Chris a look, making me some what suspicious over what were to happen, but I dismissed it.

" Well we have to go buy a pack of cigs before lunch ends. We'll meet you later." Chris states as they all ran out of sight.

So I continued my way to lunch. I needed my Lion.

[ Pj's pov]

A couple days ago, Dan was so happy. At lunch I was going to talk to him, to see if something was going on. As he walked out the school doors, I waited inside watching him approach some guy.

I could tell who it was by the hair-His name is Phil Lester- He is in my history class. He never takes his out of that stupid notepad, but what he drew in there I don't know.

In primary school we were mates. Probably the closet ones you'd find. By the time we left that school, I ditched him. He wasn't the type of posse guy- didn't fit in with the group- so I basically left my old best friend in the dust behind me.
I haven't talked to him since; I was to guilty to otherwise.

When the crew and I bumped into Dan, I knew he was more upset. He's been distant. I told the other guys this yesterday, and we all agreed if this Lester kid does somethin- he'll get what's coming to him.

[ phil's pov ]

As my thoughts began to race once again over how this was all my fault, amd tears began to shoot out of my eyes. I heard the noise of a door shut. I figured it was just the custodian, so I kept letting my emotions loose.

That's when I heard something that couldn't have had worse timing.

Dan's group of popular jocks showed up. I made eye contact to the boy in the middle, who I figured was the leasder. His grey eyes looked directly through me. If looks could kill, I'd would've been dead a second ago.

The other on his right, was a lot shorter then the other two. His comb over fringe and devilish grin made him looked 20 times bigger then he really was.

On his left, was the only one I personally knew. Pj- My old Peej. My old friend. I looked into his pale green orbs, and I could tell from his eyes, this wasn't going to be good.

[ daniel's pov ]

I was practically sprinting once the crew left. As I dashed into the corner- I ran straight into my first hour teacher Ms. Novaks. The slightly young woman stumbled back and gave me a death glare. " Daniel- come to my office. You know running in the corridors are forbidden-" she barked as she dragged my along to her office.


As soon as she let me go, I realized lunch ended 2 hours ago.Thanks Ms.Novaks about the lecture of how my " rebellious " acts cause me to go to hell. Thanks alot.

School was out- and I was pissed out of my mind. I would have to go to Phil's house- wait. I have no fucking idea where it's at.

I began to pound my clenched fists on the wall to let out my frustration. The wall didn't budge obviously but it helped. I slowly slid my back against the wall and feel to the floor. I ruined it.

I may have loved someone and I completely broke them.


The next day I came to class 30 minutes early. Phil never came.
I waited out in the courtyard at lunch. Only to be greeted by the dead plants.

Day after day, I checked every place I could think of. Phil wasn't here. He left.
I hurt him enough to run off?

I concealed myself after that. I wouldn't socialize or let people through my barrier. I always tried to forget him, even once I graduated senior year. It was no use.

I guess I would have to let faith decide when it would ever be right.


Hey guys. ik its been sad lately. i promise this sadness will end soon. hopefully mine will too :) see you guys later

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